What does WIN stand for?
What I Need
Who completes the screenings?
Where are our offices located?
LS, Library, US
How many people are on the LRC team?
How many lower school students have accommodations?
What is the WIN Start Date?
September 15
What is the process of a student screening?
Fill out the SST Form and gain parent consent (form on the portal)
What do we do?
1:1/group academic/EF/SEL instruction, speech, teach courses such as WIN and TML
How many Speech Therapists are on the LRC team?
Where can you find accommodations for individual students?
OAP (found in ECC/LS Student Learning Profile Doc)
What grades are doing WIN this year?
How many screenings did we complete last year in the ECC/LS?
51 (19 in ECC & 32 in LS)
How many students does the LRC support 1:1 at LJCDS?
How many Learning Specialists are on the LRC team?
Do we modify the curriculum?
What are the LRC/ Grade Level Lead Pairings?
Lauren Giesemann: Alyssa Oezer
Molly Saenz: Dani Bonfield/Emily Rote
Alisa Ronis: Heather Love
Lisa Bennett: Heidi Schmidt
Jo Shieh: Kristy King
What are common reasons for a screening referral?
Answer will vary
Who do you call if Kristy is not available?
Amy Rohrbach
How many Occupational Therapists do we have?
What are some types of accommodations we provide?
The accommodations are recommended from neuro-psych evaluations and may include: visual aids/supports, access to audiobooks/voice-to-text technology, elimination of spelling penalties & access to spell-check, and preferential seating