The state term for students who are not English proficient
Emergent Bilingual - EB's
The EOY LPAC is conducted for this purpose.
The LPAC for STAAR accommodations are for this special population.
Emergent Bilinguals.
The annual test used to determine the English Proficiency of an EB student
The federal term for students who are not English proficient.
English Learners - EL's
During EOY LPAC's, students who fill all the criteria can exit the Dual language or ESL program and not be identified as Emergent Bilingual.
The commitee that partners with the LPAC to for dual identified students.
Admission Review and Dismissal Committee
The online program that Cityscape uses to conduct all LPAC processes
Project Education
The document that parents fill out to see if a student needs to be tested to see if they are an Emergent Bilingual
Home Language Survey
The language assessment is used to test PK and KG students
In what grades are Emergent Bilingual students able to take the STAAR Reading in Spanish?
Dual identified student
The three required members of the LPAC
Parent Representative
LPAC administrator
LPAC Certified Bilingual/ESL Educator
The language assessment used to test 1st - 8th grade newcomers
LAS test
The two accommodations the LPAC decide are required for a student during the STAAR Test
Oral Administration
Content and Language Support
The program where educators at Cityscape can train their Emergent Bilingual students for TELPAS in all 4 domains
Summit K12
Monitored student
The amount of time an LEA has to identify and find the placement for an EB student
Within four calendar weeks of initial enrollment
Under what condition is an EB student not able to receive supports for their STAAR test?
If their parent denied Bilingual/ESL services.
The four bilingual program models
Transitional Bilingual/Early Exit
Transitional Bilingual/Late Exit
Dual Language immersion/one-way
Dual Language immersion/two-way