The Basics
The ABCs of LPCs
Show me the Money!
Become an LPC

What is the website for LPC licensing information?


What is P-LPC?

Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (P-LPC) has met pre-application requirements and is approved by the Board to offer professional counseling or psychotherapy services while under the supervision of a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S).


What is the P-LPC Fee?



What is the exam a P-LPC must pass to be eligible for licensure? 

The Applicant must pass

  1. Mississippi Pass/Fall Jurisprudence Examination and
  2. Either the National Counseling Exam (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE).

What is the Counseling Compact?

To provide counseling services through the compact, counselors use the counseling license granted by their home state to apply for the privilege to practice in other member states. Counselors must have an unencumbered license, have taken a national exam, have completed a supervised professional experience, and have earned a 60 semester-hour master’s degree.


How can I verify a license?


What is an LPC?

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) has met pre-application requirements and is approved to practice independent counseling without supervision.


What is the initial LPC license fee?



What is the jurisprudence exam?

The Mississippi Pass/Fall Jurisprudence Examination is for license applicants for Mississippi. This exam is “open book”. You can use printed copies of these materials while taking the exam.

While taking the examination, you are encouraged to refer to the Mississippi Rules and Regulations and the ethical codes of the American Counseling Association (ACA). You are required to answer all 35 multiple choice questions. You must correctly answer a minimum of 80 percent of the questions to successfully pass the examination.

You will have 60 minutes to complete the examination. If you do not complete the examination in the time allowed, or fail the examination, you will have to wait 30 days to purchase and take the examination again. You will receive your scores by email. Official scores will be provided to the Board.

The examination is administered through CCE Academy. Registration is available after a P-LPC application is submitted and application fees are remitted in the Applicant’s profile on the App Info tab. The first time you click the exam link you will be required to create a username and password as a First-Time Visitor. If you need to take the exam more than once to pass, you will need your username and password to login as a Returning Visitor.



How many states in the US belong to the Compact?



Where do I apply for my LPC? 

What is LPC by Universal?

Licensed Professional Counselor by Universal currently holds a LPC license in another state, with a similar scope of practice and at the same practice level, with at least one (1) year of professional work experience as a counselor since the date of initial licensure, that licensure was maintained continuously during that year and that no substantiated complaints or disciplinary action(s) have ever been taken against the licensee.


What is the P-LPC annual renewal fee?



When can an P-LPC log hours?

In order to begin logging hours, all P-LPC applicants must have a completed application submitted, reviewed by the Board, approved by the Board, and a P-LPC number issued.


What is National Counselor Exam (NCE)

To obtain the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), individuals may present a passing score on the National Counselor Exam (NCE).  Individuals register here to take the NCE through the National Board for Certified Counselors without Board approval. (Register) You may register to take the exam at any Pearson VUE site or through OnVUE, a new online administration option.  You now have the choice to take the NCE online from the privacy of your home through the OnVUE platform or in person at a Pearson VUE test center. The OnVue platform is only available for the National Counselor Examination (NCE) and you will only be able to take the OnVue format one time. The information found here is designed to assist you in choosing the option that best suits your needs and will allow you to have the best possible testing experience.


Where do I find info for the LPC Board?


What is an LPC by Comity? 

Licensed Professional Counselor by Comity has met the pre-application requirements, has a current license as a Licensed Professional Counselor or its equivalent independent counseling license from another state and has practiced independent counseling for at least the past five years without supervision.


What is the Biennual LPC renewal fee?



Can a P-LPC provide Distance Professional Services?

P-LPCs can practice TeleMental Health counseling with the approval from his/her LPC-S, who must be designated by the Board to be a Distance Professional Services provider. P-LPCs must also be designated as a Distance Professional Services Provider.


National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam (NCMHCE)

To obtain the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), individuals may present a passing score on the National Clinical Mental Health Exam (NCMHCE).  Individuals may register to take the NCMHCE without Board approval.  Individuals register here to take the NCMHCE through the National Board for Certified Counselors without Board approval. (Register) 

An active P-LPC must be complete with supervised experience to apply to obtain a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). An “Apply for LPC” button will be available in your profile (if not, contact the Board office at You and your LPC-Supervisor will complete steps outlined here and submit verification form(s). Receipt of passing score report on either the NCE or the NCMHCE, in addition to the passing score report on the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination, is required before the Board will review your application for LPC.


How do I find information about Board Rules? 


What is an LPC-S?

Licensed Professional Counselor – Supervisor (LPC-S) has been practicing mental health counseling for at least five years, has consecutively held a Mississippi LPC license in good standing for at least two of the five years, and has completed the supervisory education requirements to be certified by the Board to supervise.


What is the LPC-S application fee?



Can a P-LPC open their own practice?

No.  You cannot engage in independent private practice as a P-LPC. Additionally, in a private practice setting, you must practice with an LPC on site with you, and you must be under supervision by a Licensed Professional Counselor – Supervisor (LPC-S).


What CEs (Continuing Education) are required for P-LPC? 

The Board requires P-LPC to complete 6 hours of CEHs during the renewal period. Of these six (6) hours, two (2) must be Ethics training and one (1) must be in Telemental Health counseling if you are listed as a Distance Professional Services provider. These continuing education hours are included as part of the
required continuing education requirements for renewal.

P-LPCs document their CEHs by completing the entries in their online Profile under the Education tab. See the Renewal Process link below for review of how to correctly document hours.
