What is a vape?
An electronic cigarette that simulates tobacco smoking.
Are vapes safer than tobacco smoking?
No, they are not.
How can a doctor help you?
They can prescribe you medication or give you advice in how to quit vaping in a safe way.
How much does vaping cost?
It can cost $2,087.8 to $5,091.75 dollar per year.
As of recently, at what age have some children started vaping?
At 10 years old.
What are the effects of using nicotine?
Blood pressure, high heart rate, risk of a heart attack, etc.
Why is it important to make a plan to quit vaping?
This is because it helps you stay more confident, on-track, and motivated to quit vaping.
Can lungs ever recover from popcorn lung?
Popcorn lung is irreversible, and cannot be cured.
What is nicotine?
A toxic and addictive substance found in vapes.
What do vapes do to your brain?
Vapes affect brain development and cognitive abilities such as memory problems, mood disorders, etc.
Who can provide you with help to quit vaping?
- A teacher
- A parent
- A friend
- A sibling
- A trusted adult
- A doctor
What does second hand exposure mean?
When people breathe in smoke breathed out by someone else, which is harmful as their body is not used to the chemicals.
What is the typical amount of students that vape daily in high schools across Ontario?
1 in 4 students
What are the long term effects of using vapes?
The long term effects are unknown as they have not been around for that long.
It is important to understand why you started vaping in the first place. What are some of the main factors of teenage vaping?
- Peer pressure
- Curiosity
- Stress
- Wanting "An Escape"
True Or False: Acrolein, a chemical found in an insect killer, is a chemical found in vapes as well.
What is an atomizer?
The part of the vape that heats up and creates a vapour.
What is popcorn lung?
A chronic lung disease resulting from vaping.
Name one of the 4 steps to quit from the Day 3 poster?
- Understand
- Learn
- Make A Plan
- Find Help
How many people have died from vaping?
68 deaths have been attributed to the use of vapes.