Nursing Ethics
Wellness and Illness
Diversity and Equity

This term refers to the systematic collection of data and facts in a medical context.

What is assessment?


This is the action a home care nurse caring for a paralyzed client should take when a person identifying themselves as a family friend inquires if they can help.

What is referring the man to the family directly?


This type of illness comes on suddenly and lasts a short time.

What is acute illness?


This term describes the ability of systems to provide care to patients with diverse values, beliefs and behaviors.

What is culturally competent care?


The assessment of pitting edema in a client's leg is an example of this kind of data.

What is objective?


This term refers to the identification of health-related problems based on data, facts, or symptoms.

What is diagnosis?


This is the action a nurse should take upon finding that a colleague is intoxicated while on duty.

What is informing the nursing supervisor?


This type of illness develops independently of any other disease.

What is primary illness?


This term describes the action of a nurse who admits a Jewish client and arranges for a kosher meal without consulting the client. 

What is generalization?


This term refers to the state in which the signs and symptoms associated with a disease have disappeared.

What is remission?


This term refers to the process of prioritizing nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems.

What is planning?


This is the offense a nurse would most likely be charged with for stealing narcotics and altering records to cover up the theft.

What is a felony?


This type of illness comes on slowly and lasts a long time.

What is chronic illness?


This practice is an appropriate form of eye contact for a nurse providing care to an Asian American woman.

What is avoid lingering eye contact?


This is the type of care required by a client whose amputation has healed and who will need a prosthesis to walk.

What is extended care at a rehabilitation center?


This term refers to an act in which bodily harm is threatened or attempted.

What is assault?


This is the action a nurse should take when a client states they wish to discontinue treatment and prepares to leave the hospital.

What is having the client sign a document confirming their discharge against medical advice?


This type of illness has no potential cure and is likely to lead to death.

What is terminal illness?


This is the appropriate action to take when a client and their spouse do not speak the dominant language of the country and cannot currently provide informed consent.

What is organizing professional interpretation?


This diagnosis should be the priority for a client with HIV who is admitted to a health care facility.

What is risk for infection?


This term refers to unauthorized physical contact, including touching a person's body, clothing, chair, or bed.

What is battery?


This is the offense committed by a nurse who prepares and publishes a research report that includes an HIV-positive client's name without their consent.

What is invasion of privacy?


This term refers to the sum of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health.

What is holism?


This is the appropriate nursing action for a nurse on a home visit who finds a three-month-old African American baby with dark blue spots on the lower back.

What is no action required / consider it normal for the ethnic group?


This is the initial action a nurse should take when treating a client who was admitted with severe depression and stress.

What is finding the factors that have caused the depression and stress?
