Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4

The PN knows the leading cause of a stroke is...

UNcontrolled Hypertension


A patient with gastritis is going home.  What education would the PN discuss with the patient prior to discharge?

-Taking antiemetics as prescribed

-Removing irritating foods from diet

-Maintaining medication prophylaxis managment (H2, PPI, antacids)


True or False.  A patient in renal failure will not require regular weight checks. 



A 6 year old patient is sick and wanting their guardian to hold them like a baby. What does this represents?



The PN has order to administer 800 mg of ibuprofen to a client. The drug is available in 200 mg per tablet. How many tablets will the PN administer?

800 mg/200 mg tablets= 4 tablets


Symptoms of Parkinson's disease. 

Stooped posture, masklike expression, rigidity in limbs, tremor, pill-rolling tremor, shuffling gait, hips and knees flexed, arms flexed at elbows and wrists


Explain the difference between Type 1 DM and Type 2 DM. 

Type 1- Autoimmune, no insulin production

Type 2- Insulin resistance- not enough insulin production.  Seen in obese and aging adults. 


Precordial pain is indicative of what heart condition?



The PN knows the newborn is having respiratory distress by what following symptoms:

grunting, wheezing, retractions, shallow respirations, cyanosis, coughing, nasal flaring 


Ordered: 1000 mL LR over 6 hours.  Find the flow rate in mL per hour.

1000 mL / 6 hours = 166.67 mL/hour= 

167 ml/hr


Explain the difference between Guillian-Barre syndrome and Multiple Scelrosis. 


1. Peripheral tingling and numbness (pain)

2. Mild to severe ascending muscle weakness

3. Paralysis decreasing the ability to breath

4. Usually occurs after a virus or viral introduction


1.Demyelination of the nerve cell that is progressive

2.Onset is young to middle adult


Causes and assessment findings of laryngeal cancer. 

Causes: carcinogens, tobacco, alcohol, pollutants

Assessment findings: persistent, progressive hoarseness, swelling of the throat/neck, weight loss, dysphagia

Symptoms of Cystitis and Urethritis.

Frequency, Dysuria, Nocturia, Incontinence, Hematuria, Pelvic pain


The nurse is educating the parent on iron anemia.  What education should the PN give regarding nutritional intake?

Limit milk and apple juice as main sources of nutrition. 


Ordered: 500 mg ampicillin in 100mL NS to infuse over 30 minutes. What is the ml/hr?

30 min/60= 0.5 hours

100 mL/0.5 hours= 200 ml/hr


Your patient has increased intracranial pressure and is symptomatic.  What non-pharmalogical interventions might the PN expect? 

• Elevate HOB 30 degrees to promote venous drainage of CSF or blood

• Maintaining body normothermia

• Treat the cause


Which medication suggest to diminish a histamine response? 

Antihistamine- Benadryl 


Patient is presenting with sharp pain that is relieved with upward movement, cyanotic skin, crackles, fever. What would the PN anticipate could be happening?

Myocarditis- inflammation of the muscle layer of the heart. Most common post viral infection.


True or False. A pediatric patient is having difficulty hearing the PN knows they should face towards the parent when speaking. 

False. The PN should face the patient when talking and be at their level including the patient. 


Using the Holiday-Segar Formula, calculate the expected maintenance IV fluid rate in ml/hr for a child who weighs 40 kg.

Holiday Segar Formula:

4 ml/kg/hr for 1st 10 kg

2 ml/kg/hr for 2nd 10 kg

1 ml/kg/hr for all additional kg

IV fluid rate: _________mL/hr

80 ml/hr


Explain what the PN would assess on a new post operative dressing. 

1. Dressing is intact

2. Drainage on the dressing (pus or serous, serosang, sang)

3. If there is blood or drainage making a line of demarkation

4. Pain at the site

5. Redness, inflammation, hot to touch around the site 


What education should the PN give to her patient with Rosacea that is going home from clinic?

-Take all medications as prescribed even if the flare up is improving take to completion. 


Name 3 antihypertensive agent categories.  

Calcium channel blockers, Ace Inhibitors, Beta Blockers


Who should the PN see first:

1. Newborn patient sleeping, respirations 30. 

2. 4 year old with fracture arm, pain 5/10. 

3. 6 year old patient presenting with running nose, skin is pink and moist. 

Patient 2. 4 year old with fracture arm, pain 5/10. 


Doctor orders an IV drip of Dopamine for a child that weighs 78 lbs. The safe dosage range for this medication is 5-20 mcg/kg/min. What is the safe dosage range for this child?

177.3-709.1 mcg/min
