How many letters are in the alphabet?
Put shoes on, sweep it up
What is another name for fall?
What do you do before crossing the street?
Look both ways before crossing
What number comes after 15?
How many days are in a week?
Blade down
What happens to the bugs bodies when they die outside?
Gets eaten by other animals or goes backs into the dirt
What should you do if you're lost in a store?
Find a worker and tell them you're lost.
Count by 10's from 10 to 100.
10, 20, 30, 40 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
Are people allowed to smoke a cigarette while pumping gasoline?
What body part allows you to breathe?
What do you do if a dog is running towards you and you don't know whose it is?
Walk slowly and ask permission. Do not pet it without asking.
What is 3 plus 2?
How do you spell your first name?
What do you do if mommy falls over and you can't wake her up?
What happens to rain that freezes in the air?
Turns into snow
What do you do if a stranger says, "Get in my car now or I'll hurt you and your sister?"
Scream and run away!
How do you spell your last name?
What do you do if you're cooking and the stove catches on fire?
Throw water on it.
What is another word for rain? Starts with a "P"
If you see an ice-cream truck giving out FREE ice-cream what do you do?
Go get your parents, Nothing is for free its a scam.