This T.O describes NDI basic Methods and theory
What is the 33b-b-1
What does the PSI need to be in between for the Water wash pressure (PEN)
What is 10-40 PSI
The lines that run FWD-AFT on A/C
What is Fuselage Stations
The 3 places to find the Required PPE
What is the Bio Survey, SDS, and T.O
The Weld Cert T.O
You can find all scheduled and conditional inspections on an active duty plane in this T.O
What is the 1c-130j-6
The first shot on an AS5282 Ring
What is 1000AC
Where do Centerwing station and Outerwing station end and meet
Ob Rainbow fitting of #2 and #3 eng
The form used to gain access to G081 and ICARR
What is the 2875
These two methods can be used to inspect NLG wheels
What is Penetrant and Magnetic Particle
Where can you check to see if a T.O is updated
What is Main Screen of ETIMS Library
The Level penetrant primarily used at LRAFB
The Safe for maintenance T.0 for C130
What is None
The 3 things to take on the flightline
Earpro, Reflective belt, Flightline badge/License
The AFI for Dress and Appearance
What is 36-2903
The location of a diagram of the C130
The Optimum concentration for Magnetic Particle
What is .15-.2ml /100ml
Location of Dry Bays and their number
#1-4 and behind thier respective engine + centerwing drybay
The time we wait when forms isn't on A/C and Spartan1 has been called
15 minutes
When setting up ECBH, why is the bottom notch bigger than the middle notch on the standard
What is a different Temperament
Form used to submit a T.O change
What is 242
The blocks used for vertical linearity
What is ASTM Blocks
The fuselage station location of paratroop door
FS 737
Whose job is it to ensure G081, PIT and ICARR (if required) are C/W in order to consider my job completed
A Technical Assistance Request
What is a TAR