Let's be real...(True or False)
Finish the sentence: Dichos
Older generation vs new generation
Coping skills

True or false: Mental health issues are rare.

False:Approximately 1 in 5 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 24 report a mental disorder, substance abuse or learning disability.


La depresión no_______

La depresión no existe

La depresión no real


True or False: New generations seek out mental health services more than older generations. 



Skills used to deal with emotions

Answer: Coping skills


True or false: Physical health is more important than mental health.

False: Mental health is just as important as physical health.


Es que no tienes nada que hacer y por eso ________

Es que no tienes nada que hacer y por eso te sientes asi


True or false: Parents usually refer their children/adolescent to therapy and believe only the children/adolescent need therapy and not them or the whole family.

True: It is always recommended for all family members to receive their own individual therapy and many times parents assume only the children/adolescent needs treatment.


What is a healthy outlet for releasing stress?

Answer: Exercise, journaling, talking to a trusted friend, drawing, deep breathing, guided imagery, yoga, listening to music, or reading.


True or false: People with mental health problems don't get better. 

False. Once diagnosed, mental health is treatable. While it is not usually “cured”, it can be effectively managed. Most people with mental disorders live productive and positive lives while receiving treatments for their mental illness.


Es por estar tanto en el ______

Es por estar tanto en el telefono


What are some differences between older generations and newer generations when it comes to mental health?


Who are individuals or groups you can look to for support?

Answer: Social supports can include individuals you feel safe with such as family, friends, teachers, counselor, coaches, etc.


True or false: Medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems. 

False. Medication can be helpful, and is sometimes necessary depending on the severity of the issue, but other methods such as therapy and counseling can also be very helpful. Talk to a doctor about all of your different options.


Solo los ____ van a un psicólogo

Solo los locos van a un psicólogo

What is a reason older generations do not generally seek out mental health treatment?



What is a relaxation exercise you have learned?



True or false: you need to know exactly what you're going to say and how you're going to say it before you talk to a counselor. 

False. Counselors are there to listen to whatever is troubling you, and you can open up to them at a pace that you are comfortable with. Tip: if you feel like you might get nervous and freeze up, it often helps to write things down before your appointment. This also helps you to organize your thoughts and put things in perspective.


Los problemas se quedan en _____

Los problemas se quedan en casa


What is generational trauma?

Answer: Trauma that isn't just experienced by one person but extends from one generation to the next 


Name 2 things you can do to PREVENT stress and anger from building up.

Answer: Practicing self-care, having a healthy support system, eating healthy, getting good sleep, etc.
