Personal Information
Sac RT

What is your name?

What, your name isn't Laurie?


If you want to go to Sunrise Mall from school and you don't have anyone to drive you in a car, how will you get there?

Take the city bus - Sacramento Regional Transit or Sac RT.


You buy a drink for $1.59.  What is the next dollar up?



Name a job you have worked either at school or Workability.

E.g. Bussing in a restaurant/cafeteria (Eskaton).  Facing/stocking in a store (Pet Smart, Smart & Final, JC Penneys).  Custodial (Laurel Ruff). Server (Laurel Ruff) Landscaping (Laurel Ruff, Orange Grove)


It's lunch time on campus and you're really hungry. There is already a line of people. What should you do?

a) walk to the front of the line and get your food first

b) stand in line and wait for your turn.

Wait for your turn.  Stand in line without bothering the other people...keep your hands and feet to yourself and don't complain.


How old are you?

Nope, I'm not telling you how old I am...


What should you do when you get on the bus?

Pay or show your bus pass and then find a seat and sit down.


You buy 2 items at a store.  One is $2.00 and one is $1.00.  How much money did you spend?

(Without sales tax and with sales tax.  Sales tax is 7.5%)


With sales tax:  $3.23. ($3.00 x .075)


Name at least 2 career classes we have at Laurel Ruff.

Gardening & Landscaping Careers

Hospitality & Culinary Careers

Business & Retail Careers

Technology Careers


Someone is teasing you at school and you don't like it.  What should you do?

a) hit them

b) tell them to stop

c) yell and scream and cry

b) Tell them to stop.  If they don't stop, walk away and ignore them.  You can talk to a staff member and let them know what happened.


When is your birthday?

June is the BEST month for a birthday!


What tells you the bus stops and pick up times for each bus route?

The bus schedule (found online...SacRT or each bus has a copy of the schedule for riders).


You order 3 items at Taco Bell.  The items cost: $1.29, $3.69, and $1.00.  How much does your order cost without taxes? If you round up the numbers to the next dollar up, how much is it?


Rounded up: $7.00


If you don't have a high school diploma can you get a job that requires a college degree?

No, you need to have a high school diploma and a college degree.  Can you name a job that requires a college degree?


Two friends are gossiping about another friend.  What should you do?

a) join in

b) walk away

c) start an argument/fight by sticking up for the other friend

Walk away and don't get involved.  Avoid drama.


In what city do you live?

New York City?


Name 1 important thing you need to know when reading a bus schedule.

Where you are going. (destination)

Where you are getting on the bus.

Time - when you need to arrive at your destination or when you are available to catch the bus.


How much money does Laurie have in her wallet?

No, you can't have's all mine...mine, mine, mine


What are job qualifications?  

Job qualifications include skills, training & education, and experience.


Two people are arguing.  One of them is your friend.  What should you do?

a) walk away/don't get involved

b) join your friend and gang up on the other person

c) tell a person of authority what is happening

a) Walk away/don't get involved.  If you are concerned that the argument is going to get worse, tell a person in authority such as a staff member at school or a security guard at the mall.


What are the first 6 numbers of your mom's/dad's phone number?

555-555...what you don't live in a tv show?


What is the website for our city bus schedules and routes?

SacRT and SacRT Trip Planner


You have $20.00.  You spend $7.75 at Target, $6.50 at McDonald's and $4.25 at the donut shop.  How much money do you have left?



 What's the difference between a job and a career?

A job is something you do for money, whereas a career is a group of jobs in the same field done over a long period of time.


Someone says something that makes you uncomfortable.  What should you do?

Tell them to stop.

Leave/walk away.

Find someone in authority who can help.
