define project purpose, organizational impact, and project scope
this all makes up...
pp: describes the improvement and the problem that is being addressed
oi:how to solving this will benefit
ps:the boundaries of the project
this all make's up the Project charter
A numerical indicator is...
what is metric
a cause and effect diagram is called
a fish bone
first step in improve section is WHAT!! and this helps??
brainstorm or implement solutions and it helps generate a large number of creative ideas in a short time
how do you determine if you have met the goal or not
by putting systems in place to maintain the gained achievements
identify the key roles of a
L: usually a green belt or black belt
M: people who contribute to solving the problem
co: the company's internal or external LSS expert
ch: usually a high-level executive who has a major stake in the team's success also controls the budget
what is run charts
what goes at the head of a fish bone diagram
the problem statement "does this cause that"
general guidelines for brainstorming
go round robin, don't criticize, build off others
after LSS project is done a team should
three questions that should be asked are
if we didn't meet our goal why?
if we did achieve our goal why?
what would we do differently next time?
SIPOC stands for
Supplier, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers
a good arrow is...
a arrow that shows the increase to meeting a goal (helps read a run chart)
what does "gemba" mean
data to validate the selected root causes
Go round robin means to...
Don't criticize means to...
Building off others means too...
allow everyone to say one idea and the others will say if they agree or pass on it
avoid discussion
write down your idea if it's not your turn
the solution generated by the problem and becomes the .... way of doing things is....
becomes the only way and its called standardization
SIPOC helps develop a...
high level understanding of what the team is trying to improve
chart used when a problem is too big for one team to solve
what is pareto
what do these shapes mean on a flow chart
a discussion management tool...
how is it used
A prioritization matrix is a tool that could help any team choose a specific solution or a course of action.
ways formally communicating changed
train everyone in the new process
on going monitoring
every meeting should have a..
this stands for
explain the 80/20 rule
you identify 20% of the sources that cause 80% of the problem
what is the purpose of a flow chart
documents key steps of a system, identifies responsibilities and locates the key handoffs and decisions points the process
how should the team help align with leadership
recommend the entire team make a 1/2 hour presentation to the project champion
what reporting in necessary
an organization functions as a system; if something changes there is most likely going to be an effect