Coping Skills
Working Together
Let's Talk!
Don't Pressure Me!

Most people my age smoke marijuana.


Many individuals lie about substance use to seem "cool" or try to fit in with a group. Since smoking marijuana is illegal, it is highly unlikely individuals your age use it.


Coping skills help you manage your emotions.


By using coping skills we can manage stressful situations more and remain in control of how we respond.


Negotiation only makes conflicts worse.


Negotiating is great way to resolve conflict. It involves you being assertive and trying to find a solution where both of you might get something.


There are two types of communication: verbal and texting.  


Texting is not a form of communication. The two types are verbal and non-verbal.


Celebrities and influencers always speak the truth.


Celebrities and influencers are often deceptive. Lying by saying that they use a product is most likely because they are being paid to do so.


Smoking reduces a person’s endurance for physical activity.


Smoking any substance reduces your body's ability to get in oxygen. Smoking increased the carbon monoxide in your lungs & blood stream,


There are only negative coping skills.


There are positive and negative coping skills. Negative ones seem beneficial in the moment but can harm our bodies and mind in the long run.


What are the 3 Cs of Decision Making?

  • Step 1:  Clarify

  • Step 2: Consider

  • Step 3: Choose


How will an active and non-active listener use non-verbal skills?

Active listener will make eye contact, face the speaker, lean slightly forward, smile, nod, make facial expressions.

A non-active listener will not make contact, look away from the speaker or focus on other things, not make facial expressions or nods.


Super bowl ads are just trying to tell me about cool things/products.


These ads aren't just telling you about them, they're trying to get you to buy things/products. Ads are created to make viewers want something they wouldn't normally want or think about.


A serving of beer or wine contains less alcohol than a serving of hard liquor such as whiskey.  


12oz of beer, 6oz of wine, and 2oz of liquor all have the same alcohol content.


Using substances is a great coping skill for anxiety/stress relief and relaxation.


Substance use is a negative coping skill that can easily become an uncontrollable addiction with serious side effects.


What does it mean to empathize with what someone is saying?

When we empathize with someone it means we are understanding and being aware of the other person’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. Just because you may not agree with what they feel or why they think the way they do, it doesn’t mean that we cannot see it from their perspective. Just like you would want your feelings and thoughts understood and respected, so do other people.


List 4 communication blocks.

Commanding, sarcasm, interrogating, focusing on mistakes, being distracted, over advising, mocking and inappropriate humor


Your friend just blew up on Tiktok! They started telling all of your friends what to do to get popular. You're not sure those are the only ways but don't want to make them upset. Should you try their methods or do your own thing?

Do your own thing!

It's great to take advice from people but what works for one person might not work for everyone. 


The only thing bad about having a lot of alcohol is not feeling good the next day.


Heavy alcohol use effects how our bodies and minds in critical ways. Consuming too much alcohol can cause people to experience "black outs" where people experience memory loss about everything they said/did or what others said/did to them.

Short term effects: Hangover and alcohol poisoning, as well as falls and accidents, conflict, lowered inhibitions and risky/violent behaviors 

Long term effects: High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems 


What are the symptoms of anxiety?

  1. Overwhelming feelings of panic

  2. Trouble sleeping

  3. Hard time concentrating
  4. Trouble eating or over eating
  5. Feeling tired or irritable 
  6. Trembling/shaking
  7. A racing heart
  8. Feeling faint

You're at Chilis with your friends! They are being assertive, telling you what to order. Since they're being assertive, do you have to do what they say?


Even when someone is being assertive that does not mean you have to do what they say. You can be assertive back and say what you want!


What are sending skills and receiving skills?

  1. Sending Skills: How to send a message clearly an accurately to someone else. Be specific when are you telling someone something. For example, if you are meeting someone at the movies you would need to tell them where and when to meet you.

  2. Receiving Skills: How to hear and correctly understand a message someone is sending us. Send the same message verbally and non-verbally. Make sure what you say and how you say it (your body language) are the same.


Does peer pressure benefit you?

It can!

There is positive peer pressure which is when someone is pressured into doing things that benefit their health or goals.


Vapes are much safer than other nicotine products like cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco.


Vapes still contain nicotine, a highly the addictive and deadly chemical. Toxic ingredients in vapes are formaldehyde (dead body preservation), acrolein (kills weeds), lead, benzene (car exhaust), diethylene glycol (car antifreeze liquid), etc. They can also be laced with other things like marijuana or fentanyl.


Anxiety is not something anyone under 18 years old needs to be concerned about.


31.9% of adolescents have an anxiety disorder. That is about 1 in 4 or 3 in 10 people your age have reported feeling anxiety. 


Name 5 conflict resolution methods.

  • Compromising

  • Negotiation

  • Walking Away

  • Stay Calm

  • Strive to Stay Positive



Name the 3 communication styles and define them.

  1. Passive Communication: Accepting things without objection or resistance, not responding or reacting to something you feel strongly about. 

  2. Assertive Communication: Expressing yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view, while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others.

  3. Aggressive Communication: Standing up for yourself in a way that is inappropriate and may violate the rights of others.


Name 5 peer pressure refusal strategies.

  • Simple No

  • Tell It Like It Is

  • Give An Excuse

  • The Big Stall

  • Changing The Subject

  • Broken Record

  • Walk Away

  • The Cold Shoulder

  • Avoiding The Situation
