The capital city where Justinian would rule from.
What is Constantinople?
The birthplace of St. Patrick.
What is Britain?
English translation of servus servorum Dei.
What is servants of the servants of God?
Sent by Pope Gregory to convert the Saxons.
Who was St. Augustine of Canterbury?
Wife of Justinian.
Who was Theodora?
St. Patrick faced the Gaelic priests who worked magic and casted spells and curses on people.
Who were the Druids?
The form of liturgy for all the lands of the Western Church built by Gregory.
What was Missale Romanum?
King Ethelbert's tribal elders who were uncertain of the benefits of baptism but later converted.
Who were the Witan?
Law code built by Justinian.
What was Codex Justinianus?
Writer of the Consolation of Philosophy.
Who was Boethius?
Who were the Lombards?
Name for the haircut of a priest where the top of the head is shaved.
What is a tonsure?
Commander chosen by Justinian to lead military campaigns in Italy, North Africa, and Mesopotamia.
Who was Belisarius?
St. Benedict founded his first monastic community that would change Christendom forever in this location in Italy.
What was Monte Cassino?
The handbook guide written for bishops.
What is the Pastoral Rule?
A council or assembly of the clergy of one geographic region of the Church.
What is a synod?
What is Holy Wisdom?
What was Ora et Labora?
The chief high official of the roman government
What is a prefect?
Saxon King of Northumbria who called the famous meeting that United the Gael and Roman Church.
Who was Oswy?