Ship something to a customer
This product helps you determine compensation for employees
LTSE is part of this silicon valley startup accelerator
Y Combinator
A change in strategy without a change in vision
This is used when you want to agree to something without using an emoji
If you work on something that impacts another person you need to share it
An attorney at Orrick
John Bautista
The feedback loop used in LSM
Blame free conversations with the goal of learning
If experts were always right, there would be no startups. We use this because expertise is not always sufficient
Beginner's Mind
Easy, visual way to plan and manage your startup’s most precious resource.
Former chief executive officer and chairman of America Online
Steve Case
The three components of Engine of Growth
Stick, Viral, Paid
When you are on the receiving end of feedback you need to..
Listen, Appreciate, Reflect (LAR)
When you are not too happy, but not too sad
A tool that offers a quick, 20 minute self-guided assessment of your company’s readiness to go public.
IPO Ready
This prominent Silicon Valley Investor co-founded a16z
Ben Horowitz
This hypothesis cares about where our next customers are going to come from
Growth Hypothesis
Hubert introduced this three letter word to the NY-Office Channel that was quickly adopted in both office channels
The outcome of a missed opportunity is
The Cost of Delay
This product rewards investors based on Long-Term holding pattern
He greets you at the door every day in the NYC office
This hypothesis cares about the good or service someone will want
Value Hypothesis
The name of LTSE's Favorite DJ
Zoran Perkov