General Knowledge and Resources
CAU Core and CAU Supplementals
CPU Core and CPU Supplementals
SCP and Exclusions

The day of the week and time of the day you need to get your timesheet in by 

What is 5:00pm on Friday.


This is needed for CAU Core 8 family/friend caregiver along with a persons name, relationship 

What is contact information


This is the number of CPU Supplemental elements that need to be abstracted for a member to be compliant 

What is 4


RAC is a reassessment of what 2 measures

What is CAU Core and CPU Core


True or False: For SCP, it is valid to use evidence that a transmission of the care plan was sent to a facility. 

False: Transmission to a facility and not a provider is never valid and should not be abstracted


This is where we can post general questions

What is the MY 2024 LTSS Team channel


This is the number of IADL's that need to be assessed

What is 4


This can be used if you don't have an Emergency Plan to meet CPU Core 7

What is Case Manager Information


This is the timeframe that a re-assessment needs to be completed post hospital discharge

What is 30 days


How many failed attempts to contact the member has to be documented to have a valid exclusion

What is 3


This is where you locate the official measure Technical Specifications

What is the Education and Training Resource center


When there is documentation that states the member is retired, what element does that meet 

What is CAU Supplemental 18


True or False: For Member Goals, CPU Core 1, it is valid to abstract documentation that is auto generated based on the patient conditions.

False: -Goals that are automatically generated based on patient conditions or risk factors do not count.


This is the system that will give you the date range to find the appropriate assessment to abstract from 

What is QMRM


This is what you would propose if you have documentation that states "Member declines to share services plan with any other parties at this visit"

What is an Exclusion


True or False: You can print out your Technical Specifications so that you have a hard copy. 

False: You are not allowed to print out any form of proprietary documents


True or False: A diagnosis of depression documented on a PHQ 2/9 form and the form is left blank, this is acceptable and meets for CAU Core element 5

False: Depression alone does not justify a blank tool and this is not valid for abstraction


For CPU Core 9, this also needs to be documented along with the member signature if it is not a verbal agreement

What is the Date


True or False: While abstracting/Overreading an RAC assessment, "No Change" is acceptable to be abstracted.

False. The documentation of "No Change" is not acceptable for abstraction and can not be used.


True or False: For SCP, the entire care plan must be transmitted for it to be valid

False. It is not necessary to transmit the entire care plan to meet numerator criteria. LTSS organizations may select the most relevant parts of the plan or provide a plan summary.


What are the names of the 2 systems that we utilize for abstraction

What are rateLIFT and QMRM


CAU Core 4,5 and CAU Supplemental 11 must be done on one of these

What is a tool


This would be used as evidence that the member does not have a cognitive impairment and that no plan is needed for CPU Core 4? 

What is the Tool or Question Set that was used for CAU Core 4. You will document the page number that was abstracted for CAU Core 4.


If a member is discharged after this date, we would exclude the member from RAC

What is December 1st


This is the time frame that transmission must occur in for SCP to be compliant

What is 30 days. 
