An European capital has given a name to this oil fried sweet bakery product?
The amount of farmers that own our business.
The characteristic flavor and coloring ingredient of Lussekatt.
Boiling temperature of pure water.
Thing that LUFIBAL specializes in.
This traditional Danish pastry item that has got its topping from poppies.
If all buns produced in Petikko bakery would be placed in line, then that line would make that many full rounds around the globe.
4 core ingredients of a basic rye bread.
Which are rye flour, salt, water and starter dough.
Average age of countries in Unibake Finland & Baltics territory
This is our slogan of LUF Strategy 2020.
This Unibake country headquarters is located closest to Unibake Saint Petersburg bakery.
Number of countries which have Unibake bakeries.
This is the name of our palm oil certificate
To what % is the melody of Finnish and Estonian national anthems overlapping.
“Talk face to face whenever possible. If you can’t do it, then call. If you can’t meet or reach by calling, send an email.”
What is WACAMA
This is the Belgian city that produces most of Unbakes croissants.
Petikko, Joutseno and Saue have this many production lines together.
In our last autumn novelty croissants the healthy Oats are complimented with flavor of this ancient natural ingredient.
Find X value in equation: (7x-116):2=2x+92 .
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to . . . ” Benjamin Franklin, US President.
These two New York’s suburbs have given their names for LUF’s hamburger buns
Lantmännen Unibake Finland and Baltics’ net sales of 2017 were this much millions of Euros
What is 95,777 million Euros
This product was named after our former product developer Asko Nieminen
A traditional nickname of vodka-shot in Russian during Soviet Union period
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting . . . ”
What is different results.