Lando - Luke - Rey - Han - Chewbacca
The Millenium Falcon
May the force be with you
Always; May the force be with you; And with you; I know
Tony Chopper - Franky - Brook - Lysop - Sanji - Nami - Zorro - Ruffy
The Flying Lamb
Witch's Spell - Safe in New York City - Hard as A Rock - Touch too much - Highway to Hell
In der internationalen statistischen Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme (WHO) werden Krankheiten eine Buchstaben und Zahlenkombination zugewiesen
z.B. im Format "A 17.3"
Welchem Buchstaben sind psychische Krankheiten zugewiesen?
Valar dohaeris
Valar morghulis
Tom Eugine Paris - Chakotay - Harry Kim - B'Ellana Torres - Kathryn Janeway
Nobody's Home - Head above Water - Hot - Girlfriend - Skaterboy
Avril Lavigne
This is the way
This is the way
Jan van der Groote - Kwame - Domingo Velasquez - Äffchen - Joshamee Gibbs - Hector Barbossa - Jack Sparrow
The Black Pearl
ONE MORE TIME - Feeling This - First Date - All the small Things - Whats my age again?
Blink 182
Smith, Edward John - Wilde, Henry Tingle - Lightoller, Charles Herbert - Bright, Arthur John
We're in this together - March of the pigs - Only - Even deeper - Closer
Nine Inch Nails