Why is our troop named "193"
Because the church's address is 193 Main Street
What is the scout law
"A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
How many Starwars movies are there
there are 12
What should you to for Blisters and small scrapes
Apply a dressing. Cover the blister tightly with a bandage or gauze.
Clean the wound. Rinse the wound with water dry and apply a bandage.
This knot Is used to tie a rope to a post.
What is Two Half Hitch
what year was troop 193 founded
What is the scout oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Who wore a kilt during boy scout outings and trips
Kevin walsh
Name 5 eagle scouts that were in our troop
Luke Wilson, Cole Branagan, Andrew Morgan, Rob Murphy, Dan Borbely, Max Fioriti, Nick Barber, Dylan Decosta, Daniel Herschlag, William Kerester, Joseph Abate, Zachary Reynard, David Morgan
What is the second point of the outdoor code
"Be careful with fire"
How did brad get famous at summer camp
Joe Napolitano dropped a plate and everyone blamed it on Brad
what are the 4 letters of edge in the edge method mean
Who was the founder of the seabears
Collin Herschlag
This knot is used to join two ropes of different diameters.
What is Sheet Bend
Name one of the founders of Boy scouts
Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, Ernest Thompson Seton, Daniel Carter Beard, William D. Boyce, James E. West
Name all 10 essentials
when did the first SpongeBob episode air
May 1, 1999