Authorship 1
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Authorship 2
Theme 2

According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, 

What did Eusebius write?

Ecclesiastical History.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, What points to Luke as the author of the Gospel that bears his name? 2 pts

The (1) ancient and (2) unanimous consensus of Christian Tradition.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 664, Who presents Jesus as the great Teacher, the exponent of divine truth?



According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, who spoke of Paul as the "illuminator" of Luke?



According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 664, Who presents Jesus as the Divine Son of God?



According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, 

How do the earliest manuscripts having the title of this Gospel read?

"According to Luke."


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, How long before Eusebius designated Luke as the author of the gospel did Tertullian speak of Paul as the "illuminator" of Luke?

A century earlier.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 664, Luke was evidently a man of what? 2 pts

(1) Intelligence and (2) culture.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, Who called Luke the follower of Paul?



According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 664, Why does Mark give emphasis in Jesus' miracles?

(1) As a manifestation of divine power (2) attesting His Messiahship.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, Which manuscripts read, "The Gospel According to Luke," or, "The Holy Gospel According to Luke"?

The later manuscripts.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, About what year did Iraneous write that Luke was the follower of Paul, and put in a book the gospel preached by him?

A.D. 185.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 665, As Luke wrote for men of all races, who did he trace the ancestry of Jesus back to? Be specific. 2 pts

(1) Adam, (2) the father of all mankind.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, What is the name of a portion of a document written toward the close of the 2nd century that states that the third Gospel was written by Luke?

The Muratorian Fragment.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 664, Which men did Matthew write primarily for, and to whom does he trace the genealogy of Jesus back to? 2 pts

(1) Men of Jewish anscestry, (2) Back to the founder of their nation.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, The introduction to the book of Acts clearly points to the common authorship of which two books? 2 pts

(1) Luke, (2) Acts.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, Luke and the Acts may be considered as volumes 1 and 2 of a work that might be appropriately entitled what?

The Origin and Early Development of Christianity.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 665, Who does Luke refer to more than any other gospel writer, and how? 2 pts

(1) Roman centurions, (2) always in a favorable light.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, What are manifestly the same in the two books (Luke and Acts)? 2 pts

(1) Literary style, (2) diction.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 665, What incidents does Luke take notice of more than any other evangelist? 2 pts

Incidents that reveal Jesus' (1) interest in, and (2) ministry for, Gentiles.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, Regarding the title, what do later manuscripts read? 2 pts

(1) The Gospel According to Luke, (2) The Holy Gospel According to Luke.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 663, What examples from the book of Acts show how Luke was associated with Paul, particularly during the closing years of his ministry? 3 pts

(1) From Troas, it appears he was associated with Paul during the pioneer days of the gospel in Greece, (2)was with him on his final visit to Palestine, (3) and acompanied him on his voyage to Rome.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 665, Where can a trace of Jewish exclusiveness occasionally be detected? 2 pts

(1) In Matthew and (2) Mark.


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 664, Who are Matthew, Mark, and Luke believed to have written primarily for? 3 pts

(1) Matthew - readers of Jewish birth
(2) Mark - those of Latin background
(3) Luke - especially for Greek readers


According to the SDA Bible Commentary p 665, What do the medical terms appearing frequently in the book of Luke give evidence of, and what are they thought to indicate? 2 pts

(1) They give evidence that Luke was the author, (2) they are thought to indicate that the author was a physician.
