How many calories are in an earthworm?
Fish with a stinger on its tail
GSC will soon only be reporting on ______ URLs
Names some strategies to capture a quick answer
use relevant keywords, format the content in a user/search engine friendly way, see if a quick answer is already rendering, relevant headings and lists help, answer the question right off the bat
Name two types of "bush" traps
figure four deadfall, snare, squirrel pole snare, spring snare
What should you look for when trying to decide where to set a snare?
Game trail
Name 2 billfish
Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish
What is a 307 status code
temporary redirect
What KPIs should we be tracking for our clients
Depends on the client, ask them what their goals for SEO are. Is it simply increased organic visibility/reach (visits) or increased revenue (conversions).
What is pointed out in this image?
Possible Sasquatch nests
What is a trotline?
It's a fishing line with hooks at set intervals, usually left overnight and picked up the next day. Can be used for all sorts of fish but mostly catfish and buffalo fish.
Known as the poor man's tarpon
Ladyfish (skipjack)
What are "Web lights results" as reported in GSC
Pages that have less data built for people on slower mobile networks
Double Jeopardy!!!!!!!! Name this fish
What should you do if you encounter a mountain lion in the woods
Put your arms above your heads and wave them around
Make yourself big
Throw rocks at it
Shoot it
If it attacks try to choke it out
The Loch Ness Monster is real. True or False
A flat fish that stays on the bottom, camouflaged and ambushes its prey. Tasty fried.
How do you create/leverage web light result pages?
Can't...Google transforms them
Someone from Google said the following Google search "category" (video,news,images) will be a focus during 2019
Fletcher and Cooper
What is the most haunted city in the United States
Savannah Georgia
Salem Mass
This fish has human like teeth
Name two strategies to leverage for page titles that can increase CTR
Include numbers, dates, emojis, more relevant keywords, etc.
How should you get rid of a spirit/ghost in your house?
1. Smudge the house (sage is good to burn)
2. Communicate (ask it to leave)
3. Banish it (spells, prayers, voodoo, etc.)
4. Seek help