Physical Science 1
Physical Science 2
Physical Science 3
Physical Science 4
Physical Science 5
Which material is the best conductor for electricity to flow through? (a) rubber (b) aluminum (c) sand (d) plastic
What is (b)? aluminum
Emily has a stack of 30 blocks. The mass of each block is 100 grams. What is the mass of the stack?
What is 3000 grams?
The following solid materials are on a table. Which material could a bar magnet seperate from from the rest? (a) cookie crumbs (b) iron fillings (c) sand (d) salt
What is iron fillings?
Ryan is placing tangerines on a pan balance. He places six tangerines in one pan. He then puts six other tangerines in the other pan that are the same size. What will the balance most likely do? (a) tip toward the first tangerines (b) tip toward the second group of tangerines (c) stay level (d) jump up and down
What is (c)? stay level
Electric current flows in this kind of circuit.
What is a "closed" circuit?
Increasing the electric current flowing through a wire will make an electromagnet: (a) stronger (b) weaker
What is (a)? stronger
When a material changes temperature without being heated or cooled, this is evidents of a: (a) physical change (b) a mixture is formed (c) chemical change (d) magic
What is (c)? chemical change
This part of a circuit is able to start and stop the flow of electrical current.
What is a switch?
Mrs. Nelson poured oil into a beaker. She then placed the beaker on a balance. She is most likely trying to measure: (a) the total mass of the oil and beaker (b) mass of the oil only (c) amount of air at the top of the beaker (d) mass of the beaker only
What is (a)?
What happens when water freezes?
The water turns from liquid to solid.
Grant was working on a wooden birdhouse. He was trying to change the texture of the wood by sanding it with sandpaper. What type of change was taking place. (a) different substance (b) physical change (c) chemical change (d) no change was taking place
What is (b)? physical change
When water is heated, what happens?
The water turns from liguid to gas.
Electrons moving from one object to another can cause this.
What is static electricity?
Which is an example of a chemical change? (a) mixing vinegar and baking soda (b) disolving salt in water (c) mixing Koolaid (d) mixing dirt and water to make mud
What is (a)?
Miss Crowder measures the mass of her chocolate milk before she places it in the freezer. Will the mass of the milk increase, decrease, or stay the same?
What is "stay the same"?
How can you separate the particles of sand, salt, and water?
Using a filter, filter the sand from the salt and water. Then let the water evaporate.
While working with magnets, Caleb held the south pole of his magnet to the south pole of another magnet. What word describes how the magnets will respond to each other?
What is repel?
Aubrey wants to look a little closer at the wings on a moth. Which tool should she use? (a) telescope (b) glasses (c) a hand lens (d) microscope
What is (c)? hand lens
If an object carries a negative charge, how will it react to an object that has a positive charge? (a) attract the object (b) repel the object (c) retract and expel the object (d) do nothing to the object
What is (a)? attract
The switch in an electrical circuit has to be (a) from Wal-mart (b) a conductor (c) an insulator (d) both conductor and insulator
What is (b)? conductor
When a liquid freezes this change happens. (a) mixture is made (b) chemical change (c) physical change (d) new substance is formed
What is (c)? physical change
They both have two opposite poles.
What is a bar magnet and a electromagnet?
If you wanted to observe the tiny cells that make up a flower petal, you would need this instrument:
What is a microscope?
Evaporation is an example of this kind of change due to temperature. (a) physical change (b) chemical change (c) magnetic
What is (a)? physical change
An insulator does not allow electric current to flow through it. True or False?
What is true?