Nets began to break after Simon did what Jesus told him to do because of these.
What are a large number of fish?
We suppose a woman had ten of these, although she lost one.
What are silver coins?
In Chapter, 3, he is said to be the son of God.
Who is Adam?
Where this child (John) lived until he appeared publicly to Israel.
What is the wilderness?
Where angels went after speaking with shepherds.
What is heaven?
Birds ate up the seed that fell here and got trampled.
What is the the path?
A Levite and a priest passed by on the other side of the road when they saw this.
What is a half-dead man who had been beaten and stripped of his clothes by robbers.
Featured prominently in the book of Ruth, he marries Ruth and becomes Obed's father.
Who is Boaz?
In Luke Chapter 3, we hear John is the son of this man.
Who is Zechariah?
There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one of these.
What is a sinner who repents?
The herd of these rushed down the steep bank and were drowned after demons went into them.
What are pigs?
This will burst wineskins and ruin them, not to mention that it would run out.
What is new wine poured into old wineskins?
In Luke chapter 3, only Methusaleh and Zerubabbel have longer name's than Ram's son.
Who is Amminadab?
Something children in the marketplace said they played and sand.
What is a pipe and a dirge?
He was carried to Abraham's side by angels after he died.
Who is Lazarus? OR Who is a beggar?
The cost of five sparrows.
What are 2 pennies?
What God called a man who planned to tear down his barns and build bigger ones after an abundant harvest
What is "You fool!"?
The shortest name in the Genealogy in Luke 3 belongs to Joshua's son.
Who is Er?
The place Jesus had a little child stand to make a point to his disciples.
What is beside him?
Where an angel of the Lord stood when he appeared to Zechariah.
What is the right side of the altar of incense?
This is how the one who finds his lost sheep puts him on his shoulders.
What is joyfully?
A mustard seed planted in a garden that grew into a tree or yeast a woman worked into about 6o pounds of dough.
What is the kingdom of God like or to be compared to?
Rhesa is his son and Shealtiel is his dad, his name is really fun to say.
Who is Zerubabbel?
Jesus longed to gather "her" children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
Who or what is Jerusalem?
The devil tempted Jesus by saying angels would do this for Him, quoting from the book of Psalms.
What is "guard you carefully and lift you in their hands"?