This Creature, similar to a seahorse, is able to blend in with the algae and seaweed around it in its habitat to avoid predators.
What is a Leafy Sea dragon
This is breakfast item has the name of a European country at the beginning of its name, and is something you put in the toaster
How do you spell: Ingenious
What is I N G E N I O U S
This is a disaster that happens when cold and warm air meet which causes a funnel that comes to the ground
What is a tornado
Whats the name of the Famous writer Walter brought in to work with them?
Who is Miles Finch
This creature is a snake-like fish and electrofies its prey.
What is an electric eel
This is the most popular breakfast item and it comes from chicken. (Pretty obvious right)
What are Eggs
How do you spell: Bolonya?
What is B O L O N Y A
When This Disaster happens in water when a massive earthquake happens and sends a giant wave of water to shore its known as what?
What is a Tsunami
How many etch-a-sketches did Buddy the elf make?
What are 85
This Deep sea underwater Giant bug looks like a big white Rolly Polly.
What is a Giant Isopod
This is a yummy, flat, round, Fluffy cake like breakfast item that is great with syrup. It even has Cake at the end of its name
What is a pancake
How do you spell: Onomatopoeia
What is O N O M A T O P O E I A
This Disaster is what happens what tons of water rises.
What is a flash flood
What did Buddy paint a picture of?
What is a butterfly
This is a giant octopus like creature and is sometimes referred to as a 'Kraken'
What is a Giant squid
This Type of breakfast is something you boil, add milk, and add these. (One Brand of this is called Quaker oats)
What is Oat-meal
How do you spell: Logorrhea?
What is L O G O R R O H E A
This natural disaster is when a giant wave of extra freezing snow comes in and covers up everything up to 10 feet of snow
What is a blizzard
What size batteries did Buddy change into the Smoke detector?
What are AAA's
This type of shark has the ability to extend its upper and lower jaw out of its mouth. And looks very very creepy
This breakfast item is huge in the Eastern U.s States, and is THIS and Gravy
What is Biscuits and Gravy
How do you spell: Schadenfreude
What is S C H A D E N F R E U D E
This is a disaster where molten magma comes from deep beneath the earth and comes out a giant mountain with a big hole at the top
What is a Volcanic Erruption
What flavor pop-tarts did Buddy put on his Spagetti?
What is Chocolate pop-tarts