What moon phase is this?
Third Quarter Moon/Last Quarter Moon
What comes after this moon phase?
The waning crescent
What is after this moon phase?
The first quarter moon
If today is January 1st and it's a full moon, what date will it be when a third quarter arrives?
January 8th
In what year did humans 1st land on the Moon?
What is 1969
What moon phase is this?
New moon
What is this moon phase?
Waning gibbous
What is the third quarter also known as?
The last quarter moon
If today is January 15th and it's a third quarter moon, what date will it be when we see a first quarter moon?
January 29th
What is this moon?
Waning crescent
What is this moon phase?
Full moon
If we start with a new moon, does the phase shown below come after or before the full moon?
It's a New Moon on January 19th, what date did we see a Full moon?
January 5th
What country put a man into outer space 1st?
What is U.S.S.R/Soviet Union/Russia
What moon is this?
First Quarter MoonÂ
What comes after the new moon?
Waxing crescent
Starting with a new moon, does this phase come after or before the new moon?
January 24th
In what state do you find the launch pad for sending objects into outer space?
What is Florida
What comes before this moon phase?
Waxing crescent
What comes after this moon phase?
Waxing gibbous
What moon phase comes after this?
Waning Gibbous
It's January 28th and it's a waning crescent, when did we last see a waxing crescent?
January 7th
What was the name of the astronaut who had to orbit the Moon in the command module while Neil and Buzz walked on it?
Who is Michael Collins