What is 12 x 8?
What is 96?
What zodiac animal are we celebrating next year?
What is a horse?
What is Har Gow?
Who is Jackie Chan?
What was grandpa's name?
Who is Wong Pui
If you have 3 apples and you buy 5 more, how many do you have in total?
What color is normally associated with good luck during this holiday?
What is red?
What is the dish with the chicken feet called?
What is Feng Zhou?
What is the movie called where the sister froze the entire kingdom?
Who is Frozen?
Which family member(s) went through a punk, gothic stage?
Who is Kevin and Joanna?
If your bill total was $53, how much 20% tip do you give?
What is $10.60?
What is the popular phrase people say during Chinese New Year?
What is Gong Hay Fat Choi?
Which dim sum dish is made with shrimp and wrapped in a long rice noodle?
What is Ha Cheung?
This fruit is yellow and associated with a monkey.
What is banana?
Who did Victoria say was the best looking in the family group chat?
Who is Uncle 2?
If a book has 120 pages and you read 45m how many pages do you have left to read?
What is 75 pages?
In which month(s) does Lunar New Year fall on?
What is January or February?
Help me finish this song lyrics: the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout........
What is down came the rain and washed the spider out?
What saying does Addy always say when he sees Kevin or Karen?
What is What's up cuzzzz?
A pizza is cut into 8 slices. If you eat 3 slices, what fraction of the pizza do you have left?
What is 5/8?
How long does the Lunar New Year celebration traditionally last?
What is 15 days?
What kind of buns are known for being fluffy and filled with bbq meat?
What is Char Sui Bao?
If you mix yellow and blue, what color does it become?
What is green?
Which family members house has red carpet?