过年 (guo4 nian2)
生肖有,属牛虎兔,还有什么? ____________, 猴鸡狗猪。
龙蛇马羊 (long2 she2 ma3 yang2)
Lóng shé mǎ yáng
There are 120 students- translate this into Mandarin:
有一百二十个学生 (you3 yi4 bai3 san1 shi2 ge xue2 sheng1)
What are "high schooler and college student" in Mandarin?
高中生 和 大学生 (gao1 zhong1 sheng1 he da4 xue2 sheng1)
Translate into Chinese for “How many older sisters do you have?"
你有几个姐姐? (ni3 you3 ji3 ge jie3 jie)
Read this: 两个律师 和 三个医生。
Liǎng gè lǜshī hé sān gè yīshēng
(2 lawyers and 3 doctors)
"你有"妹妹"吗? What does 妹妹 mean?
younger sister
"Who has photos? "say it in Chinese.
谁有照片? (shei2 you3 zhao4 pian4)
大年三十 (da4 nian2 san1 shi2)
(ya1 sui4 qian2)
发红包 (fa1 hong2 bao1)
王朋和李友______(both are not) 老师。
都不是 (dou1 bu2 shi4)
高大哥有“女儿”吗?What does "女儿“ mean?
李小姐有" 儿子“ 吗? What does "儿子“ mean?
daughter , son
What does your mother do? translate into Chinese.
正月初一 (zheng1 yue4 chu1 yi1)
在除夕的晚上,一家人会一起________, 吃_________,看春晚欢迎新年。
包饺子(bao1 jiao3 zi1), 团圆饭(tuan2 yuan2 fan4)。
你是学生,我 _____(also) 是学生。
也 (ye3)
“这是” 你的“照片”吗? What are teh meanings for the words in the parenthesis?
This is, photo
" My elder sister and I are both students." Translate it into Chinese.
我姐姐和我都是学生. (Wǒ shì jiějiě yěshì wǒ tóngxué)
拜年 (bai4 nian2)
元宵 (yuan2 xiao1), 花灯 (hua1 deng1), 灯谜 (deng1 mi2)
你的医生也 _____(surnamed)李吗?
姓 (xing4)
李友有大姐吗?What is 大姐?
eldest sister
Translate "Li You is not from New York, and Gao Wenzhong is also not from New York." into Chinese.
李友 不是纽约人,高文中也不是纽约人。
(Lǐ yǒu bùshì niǔyuē rén, gāo wénzhōng yě bùshì niǔyuē rén.)