Vocab 1
Vocab 2
Author's Purpose

Why did the author write "Lunch Money"? 

Persuade, Inform, Entertain



What does the word mental mean in the sentence below?

He had a mental picture of himself giving his speech.

in the mind


What does the word feature mean in the sentence below?

Today's news will feature the fifth-grade students.

focus on/show


The author of "Lunch Money" believes that Greg - 

A. is a good student 

B. needs writing lessons 

C. thinks things through 

D. will sell all his comics

C. thinks things through

Mark this word:


closed syllable, welded sound (ink), shr (digraph blend)


What impression do the full-size illustration of Creon, Eeon, and Leon most likely make on the reader?

A. They show that Greg should try a different hobby.

B They make the reader think he rushed through his work.

C. They prove Greg's artistic talent.

C. They prove Greg's artistic talent.


Ruby and Karolina _____________ the schedule of their future meetings with the student council. 

A. launch 

B. assuming 

C. thumbed 

D. developed

D. developed


Three months after she launched her business, Nancy made a lot of money.

What does launched mean?

officially started


The author writes "Greg had set a sales goal for the first week" to show that Greg - 

A. is following a plan 

B. uses math in real life 

C. listens to his father's advice 

D. has only enough comics for a week

A. is following a plan


Read and mark this word:


v-e, diagraph blend


What does the author's choice of the name Chunky Comics suggest about Greg's personality?

A. Greg has a good sense of humor. 

B. He has a hard time coming up with ideas.

C. Greg tends to insult people. 

A. Greg has a good sense of humor.


Jazmine, Roxanne, and Autumn set a ______________, to have the longest hopscotch in history. 

A. mental 

B. villains 

C. record 

D. feature

C. record


in a way that is very difficult to believe



The author of " Lunch Money" thinks that - 

A. kids should create comics 

B. hard work pays off 

C. Greg's father is a kid at heart 

D. Greg's comics will become famous.

B. hard work pays off


What is the job of the "e" in the word: time

the e is silent and makes the "i" long


Which part of the passage did the author write to show that Greg is completely focused on selling his books?

A. "He got to pick the name because he was the author of all the Chunky Comics stories."

B. "He chewed the warm bread and the soft cheese but he didn't taste a thing."

C."Regular comic books were sort of tall. Also a little floppy. Not Greg's."

B. "He chewed the warm bread and the soft cheese but he didn't taste a thing."


What does the word episodes mean in the sentence below?

My grandparents used to listen to episodes of a story that was told on the radio.

parts of a whole or series


turn pages quickly



The author calls this story "Lunch Money" because - 

A. Greg uses money from his sales to only buy lunch 

B. kids can only buy Greg's comics during lunch 

C. Greg spends lunchtime thinking about sales 

C. Greg spends lunchtime thinking about sales


If you took the "e" off of the word (cape), what word would you have? Mark it!

cap (closed syllable)


How do you think Greg felt when he thumbed through his comic book for the first time? 

A. hungry, disappointed, and cheerful 

B. anxious, nervous, and tired 

C. excited, proud, tired

C. excited, proud, tired


Mrs. Leggio is __________________ that all children love doing homework, so she is intending to pile it on until school gets out! 

A. incredibly 

B. assuming

C. launch

B. assuming


the main bad character in a story, play, etc.



Why did the author show the ten steps Greg used to make his comic books? 

A. to tell how Greg became interested in creating his own comics 

B. to explain how reading comic books helped develop story lines 

C. to describe the process used to create a small book from one piece of paper

C. to describe the process used to create a small book from one piece of paper


If you wanted to change the word (lick) to a v-e word, how would you spell it? Mark it!

like (v-e, you have to drop the ck since it is not a closed 1 syllable word)
