Other names for the manubriosternal angle
What are the Angle of Louis and Sternal Angle?
The 3 parts that make up the sternum
What are the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process?
What are physical findings?
What is supraclavicular?
The normal costal angle
What is less than or equal to 90 degrees?
A bony ridge where the ___ and ___ articulate
What are the manubrium and body of sternum?
The ridged top of the manubrium
What is the suprasternal notch?
The anterior reference lines
What are the midsternal and midclavicular lines?
Below the clavicle
What is infraclavicular?
This disease can lead to an abnormal costal angle (increased angle [flattens] with hyperinflation)
What is emphysema?
It is continuous with this rib
2nd rib (Count ribs & ICS from this point). ICS are numbered by the rib above
Within your 12 pairs of ribs, you have costochondral junctions where your ribs attach to ___
What is cartilage?
The posterior reference lines
What are the vertebral (midspinal) and scapular lines?
Below the tip of the scapula
What is infrascapular?
This technique will make it easier to palpate the vertebral prominens (C7)
What is palpating with the head flexed? (If 2 bumps, then C7 & T1)
It is also the site of ___ bifurcation
What is tracheal bifurcation? (Into right and left main bronchi)
Below each rib, you find these spaces
What are intercostal spaces?
The lateral lines
What are the anterior axillary (@ anterior axillary fold), midaxillary (midway btwn AAL & PAL), and posterior axillary lines (@ post axillary fold)?
Just like your 12 pairs of ribs, you have 12 singles of these on your back
What are thoracic vertebrae? *Some spinous processes (knobs on vertebrae) are palpable
It corresponds with this part of the heart
What is the upper border of the atria?
Attached to spinal column. #11 is on the side and #12's tip is palpable midway btwn spine & side (more posterior). They are called ___ ribs
What are floating ribs?
The location of the inferior border of the scapula (in relation to the ribs)
What is at the 7th-8th rib?