Objective Pronouns
Subjective Pronouns
Citing Textual Evidence
Author's POV/Author's Purpose

What are OBJECTIVE pronouns?

Answer Choices:

A. Objective Pronouns act as the subject of the a sentence; in which performs the action of the verb.(Examples: he, I, it, she, they, we, you)

B. Objective Pronouns act as the object of a sentence; in which receives the action of the verb. (Examples: her, him, it, me, them, us, you)

B. Objective Pronouns act as the object of a sentence; in which receives the action of the verb. (Examples: her, him, it, me, them, us, you)


What are SUBJECTIVE pronouns?

Answer Choices:

A. Subjective Pronouns act as the subject of the a sentence; in which performs the action of the verb.(Examples: he, I, it, she, they, we, you)

B. Subjective Pronouns act as the object of a sentence; in which receives the action of the verb. (Examples: her, him, it, me, them, us, you)

A. Subjective Pronouns act as the subject of the a sentence; in which performs the action of the verb. 



Answer Choices:

A. act as the object of a sentence; in which receives the action of the verb

B. subject of the a sentence; in which performs the action of the verb. 

C. information stated in a given text that is used to support inferences, claims, and assertions made by a reader. 

C. information stated in a given text that is used to support inferences, claims, and assertions made by a reader.


What is an inference?

Answer Choices:

A. information stated in a given text that is used to support inferences, claims, and assertions made by a reader.

B. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. 

C. subjective Pronouns act as the subject of the a sentence; in which performs the action of the verb. 

D. objective Pronouns act as the object of a sentence; in which receives the action of the verb.

B. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.


What is an author's point of view/author's purpose?

Answer Choices: 

True or False?

 Author's Point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers "hear" and "see" what takes place in a story, poem, or essay/ Author's Purpose is the reason he or she chose to act in a particular way, whether that's writing the passage, selecting a phrase, using a word. 



An objective pronoun replaces the noun_______.

Answer Choices:

A. to show ownership

B. to receive the action of the verb 

C. that is the subject of the sentence.

B. to receive the action of the verb

Examples of objective pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them


Fill in the Blank.

A subjective pronoun replaces the noun_______.

Answer choices:

A. that is the subject of the sentence.

B. to receive the action of the verb

C. to show ownership

A. that is the subject of the sentence.


What does the term "explicit" in terms of textual evidence mean?

(Sample Sentence: The teacher gave explicit directions to the students; in which did not cause any confusion with the assignment.)

A. Explicit means "unsure evidence."

B. Explicit means "direct."

C. Explicit means "from the text."

D. Explicit means "support for your answer."

B. Explicit means "direct."


True or False?

An inference is directly written in the text. 



The narrator's position in relation to the story being told is called:

A. author's purpose

B. author's point of view

C. story element

D. climax

B. author's point of view


Objective pronoun in this sentence:

I always rinse the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher. 

A. them

B. I

C. the

B. I


Identify the subjective pronoun in the sentence.

"Is she going to the comic book convention without me?"

A. she

B. the 

C. me

D. convention

A. she

Examples of subjective pronouns: I, you, he, she, it we,they,


Listed are the steps to citing textual evidence. Select the answer choice that places the steps in the correct order.

(Cite what in the text led you to that idea. State your idea. Explain the Evidence)

Answer Choices:

A. Explain the Evidence, Cite what in the text led you to that idea, and State your idea.

B. State your idea, Explain the Evidence, and Cite what in the text led you to that idea.

C. State your idea, Cite what in the text led you to that idea, and Explain the Evidence

D. State your idea, Explain the Evidence, and Cite what in the text led you to that idea. 

E. Explain the Evidence, State your idea, and Cite what in the text led you to that idea. 

C. State your idea, Cite what in the text led you to that idea, and Explain the Evidence


Fill in the blank.

To make an inference, we use ________ from the text, and our ________.

Answer Choices:

A. Grammar/Vocabulary

B. Evidence/Prior Knowledge

C. Author's Purpose/Author's Point of View

D. Subjective Pronouns/Objective Pronouns

B. Evidence/Prior Knowledge


What is the author's purpose in the following text?

"A FBI wanted poster at the post office would be an example of writing for which purposes?"

Answer Choices:

a. to describe

b. to entertain

c. to persuade

d. to explain

a. to describe


Select the answer with the correct pronoun and type of pronoun.

My grandmother gave_______ a yummy cookies.

Answer Choices:

A. me(objective)

B. me(subjective)

C. we(objective)

D. we(subjective)

A. me(objective)


Choose the correct objective pronoun to complete the sentence.

I told______ that they should upload some photos in Instagram to show their activity. 

Answer Choices:

A. They

B. Themself

C. Them

D. Their

C. Them


Michael woke up with a start. Someone was banging at the front door. Heavy footsteps clomped over the bare boards of the hallway. A shouting of voices. Jacko's familiar growl, then the front door slammed shut. Michael shivered and pulled the thin blanket closer around his shoulders. Through the cracked glass of the curtainless window, the sky looked gray and dirty. A groan from the other mattress told him that Toby was awake as well.

Which of the following would be considered explicit textual evidence?

A. "the sky looked gray and dirty"

B. Toby is Michael's brother

C. Michael was trying to sleep

D. Michael and Toby were cold

A. "the sky looked gray and dirty"

Quotations marks indicate explicit textual evidence.


Fill in the  numbered blanks with correct word selection(s).

Sometimes we have to 1.____________. Authors don't always tell us everything. We need to use 2.______ and 3._______ to 4.________ the text better. 

Answer Choices:

A. 1. "read between the lines," 2.textual evidence, 3.prior knowledge, 4.understand. 

B. 1. textual evidence, 2. understand, 3. prior knowledge, 4. "read between the lines"

C. 1. understand, 2. prior knowledge, 3. "read between the lines," 4. textual evidence

D. 1. prior Knowledge, 2. understand, 3. textual evidence, 4. "read between the line"

A. 1. "read between the lines," 2.textual evidence, 3.prior knowledge, 4.understand.


I was shaking like a leaf. My palms were sweating. My heart was pounding so loud I was sure everyone around me could hear it. I hated presentations. I should have been absent today. I am just going to pretend that no one is listening, which hopefully none of them really are. It would only be a 2 minute and 30 second speech. The above passage is an example of what point of view?

A. first person perspective

B. third person limited perspective

C. second person perspective

D. third person omniscient perspective

A. first person perspective


Which of the following pronouns can be classified as both a subjective and objective pronouns?

Answer Choices:

A. I

B. Them

C. She

D. You

E. We

D. You


Select the answer with the correct pronoun and type of pronoun in the following sentence.

They are new, so could _____ show them to the office?

Answer Choices:

A. you(subjective)

B. you(objective)

C. it(objective)

D. it(subjective)

A. you(subjective)


omeone was banging at the front door. Heavy footsteps clomped over the bare boards of the hallway. A shouting of voices. Jacko's familiar growl, then the front door slammed shut. Michael shivered and pulled the thin blanket closer around his shoulders. Through the cracked glass of the curtainless window, the sky looked gray and dirty. A groan from the other mattress told him that Toby was awake as well.

Which words help describe the setting?

A. "Michael woke up with a start."

B. "A shouting of voices."

C. "......cracked glass of the curtainless window..."

D. "then the front door slammed shut."

C. "......cracked glass of the curtainless window..."


Read the passage below:

Lizelle was sitting in her Advanced English class staring out the window. Her teacher approached her desk and asked her if she understood the assignment. Lizelle shoved the assignment off the desk and said, "I can't do your stupid assignment because I don't have a pencil." Raequan, who sat next to Lizelle, picked up her paper and handed her his extra pencil. A little embarrassed by her outburst, Lizelle thanked Raequan, apologized to her teacher and got started on her assignment. 

Based on the passage, what can the reader infer?

Answer Choices:

A. Raequan wished he didn't have to sit next to Lizelle. 

B. The English teacher asks her students to do too much work.

C. Lizelle and Raequan are close friends who spend time together.

D. Raequan is a caring student who comes to class prepared. 

D. Raequan is a caring student who comes to class prepared.


Identify the following author's purpose in the passage.(2 minutes to Answer)

"The purple aliens landed with a crash and a boom. The residents of the small Iowa town ran in all directions as the multi-fingered creatures got off their spaceship. They landed right in front of the local cell phone store and appeared to be eager to check out Earth's communication technology. Fortunately, the salesman kept his head and showed the aliens many kinds of cell phones. The friendly purple creatures soon discovered that cell phones were cool. And lo and behold, the salesman had never seen anyone learn how to text so quickly. Maybe friendly aliens would do well on Earth after all. 

Answer Choices:

A. to inform

B. to express personal feelings

C. to persuade

D. to entertain

D. to entertain
