The language-country code for Swedish-Sweden
What is sv-SE?
The department to redirect a client to if they reach out about a new project.
Who is LV Sales?
How do you say thank you very much in Chinese?
The SF-36
What is one of Quality Metric's instruments?
What is the acronym for the Patient Global Impression Of Treatment Tolerability?
The language-country code for Malay-Malaysia
What is ms-MY?
The department to contact to set up a SharePoint site.
Who are eCOA Solutions?
Jag älskar dig.
How do you say "I love you" in Swedish?
What is one of Mapi's instruments?
What is the acronym for the EuroQoL Quality of Life-5 Dimensions-5 Levels
The language-country code for Xhosa-South Africa
What is xh-ZA?
The department to contact to get a rekey done.
Who is Project Setup?
ขอผัดไทย 1 จาน
How do you say "one pad Thai, please" in Thai?
PROMIS scales
What is one of Northwestern University's instruments?
What is the acronym for the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue?
The language-country code for Slovenian-Slovenia
What is sl-SI?
The department to contact if a recruiter is being uncooperative.
Who is Vendor Relations?
सबको सुप्रभात
How do you say "good morning everyone" in Hindi?
The HIT-6
What is another one of Quality Metric's scales?
What is the acronym for Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events?
The language-country code for Arabic-Algeria
What is ar-DZ?
The department to contact for repository related questions.
Who is COA Coordination?
خەير خوش
How do you say "goodbye" in Uyghur?
What instrument does Margaret Reilly own?
What is the acronym for the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index?