What word means "to go down"?
a. determined
b. descend
c. decisive
What two words make up 'hallway'?
hall - way
Spell the homophone word for 'no'
What is the subject of the sentence?
The purple bird sang a sweet song.
The (purple) bird
What's your favorite color?
Cool, mine's purple
What does 'acquiesced' mean?
a. to agree but not be happy about it
b. what you think is going to happen
c. to do something without hesitating
to agree but not be happy about it
What is a compound word?
A word that has two words in it
What is a homophone?
What kind of verb is used in the sentence:
We brush our teeth every day.
Present tense
Anyone who says the word above will loose 200 points.hehe
What does 'engulfed' mean?
To surround something completely
Make a sentence with the compound word: backpack.
Make two sentences with the homophones:
hear - here
Replace the underlined word with a subject pronoun or an object pronoun:
My friend and I ran ate the delicious cookies.
Touch your nose
Last person not touching their nose looses 300 points.
Make a sentence with the word 'expectations' that shows its meaning.
Make a sentence with the compound word: ongoing.
Very good!
Make two sentences with the homophones:
peace -piece
What kind of verb is used in the sentence:
The family had already eaten breakfast.
past perfect
Say this tongue twister perfectly six times:
six sick sheep
Can you do it?
Give the meaning of the word 'intense' then write a sentence using it.
Very good
What two words make up the word: landscape
Now write a sentence using the word.
land - scape
Good sentence!
Spell the two homophones for 'there' and then make three sentences for all three homophones.
Very good!
What verbs are used in the sentences? Tell me the verb and the tense that it is used with.
Before they ate lunch, all of the children were playing outside. After lunch, the teacher had gotten them candy as a treat.
ate- past tense
were playing- past progressive
had gotten- past perfect
What are the five sections in this game from left to right.
Vocab Schmocab, Compound Sounds, Homophone Phonies, The Grammar Hammer, Wild Card