The Lord is my ________ I shall not want.
Who was like the serpent in the wilderness and lifted up?
This man of the bible could win any dance challenge!!!.
"David danced before the Lord with all his might, clad in a linen ephod." 2 Sam 6:14
Thou Shalt have no other gods before Me.
The place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God
The Garden of Eden
What Moses had in his hand that turned into a serpent
A rod
The church
Who is the third person of the Trinity?
Holy Spirit
Gen 12:1–3 promise: "In you (Abraham) all the families of the earth shall be _______.
Who can tell the biggest fish tale?
It is the Scriptures that bear witness about me.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
I believe that I cannot by my own ______ or strength believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to Him;
Where Jesus was born
What physical object did David defeat Goliath with?
Smooth Stone
The wife of Zacharias
What is a person sent on a mission: an authorized messenger
For _______ so loved the world,
How long did it rain upon the earth when Noah and his family were in the ark?
40 days and 40 nights
I baptized Jesus.
John the Baptist
Baptism: It is not the water, that does such great things, but the _______.
Word (of God).
Mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac.
Mount Moriah
What does the word "Amen" mean?
"may it be so" or when doubled up "truly"
Adam's wife
Who replaced Judas as the twelfth apostle. Acts 1:23–26?
Gen 3:15. "He shall bruise your ____, and you shall bruise his heel.
Who had to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus? Luke 19:4
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
2nd article of the creed extols what person of the Trinity?
2nd person = Jesus Christ
This is where Moses died. Deut. 34:1
Mount Nebo
What is the basic meaning of "Holy."
"Separate", "set apart", "Unique."
God's holiness is absolute purity, separate from all sin and evil. Perfectly good all the time.
Abraham's covenant wife
Sarai (Sarah)
What two people lied to the Holy Spirit and died. Acts 5
Ananias and Sapphira
2 Sam 7:14. "I will establish the throne of his (David) kingdom forever, I will be to him a ______ and he shall be to me a _______.
Father - Son
Who was the first martyr of the church?
Who is this about? "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" Luke 1:42
Mary the mother of God (Jesus).
The eighth commandment
Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor.
The place where Jesus performed his first miracle.
What does αγαπη (Agape) mean?
Love (God's love) or devoted interest and affection for another.
Isaac's wife
Who preached the pentecost sermon?
You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, ________, and the end of the earth. Acts 1:8
How many were baptized after Peter's Pentecost sermon? -Acts 2:41
3,000 persons
The great evangelist power couple. (Wife & Husband)
Priscilla and Aquila
In what order did Luther place, Lord's prayer, Ten Commandments, Apostles' Creed
1. Ten Commandments (Law)
2. Apostles' Creed (Gospel)
3. Lord's Prayer (response)
This is where the Ten Commandments were given.
Mount Sinai
What does Bethlehem mean?
House of bread!
בית לחמא
Jacob's wives
Leah and Rachel
What person of the Sanhedrin said, "Keep away from these men...if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them?" Acts 5:34