How many years older is Edmond than Lucy?
1 year
they found the whole place broken into and Mr. Tummus was gone (arrested for "comforting [the queen's] enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with Humans."
How did the children know that the beaver was a friend?
Because he had Lucy's handkerchief that Lucy had given Mr. Tumnus
Who is Aslan?
the Lord of the whole wood, but not often there who Mr. Beaver hopes will save everyone.
What did Peter say about the way that Edmund always behaved when Edmond lied that Lucy was lying?
That he always picks on ppl younger than himself
How did Edmond react when he slipped up and everyone found out he was lying?
Edmond said to himself. "I'll pay you all out for this, you pack of stuck-up, self-satisfied prigs." (pg 61)
Why was Mr. Beaver pleased that it was snowing again?
"Because it means that [they] shan't have any visitors; and if anyone should have been trying to follow [the children], why he won't find any tracks."
What did Mr. Beaver say is the best way to save Mr. Tumnus?
meeting Aslan so that once he is with them (the "good guys"??), they can start doing things and fixing all the wrongs that have taken place.
How did the professor react to susan and peter when they went to tell him that they thought something was wrong with lucy?
He said that according to logic, there are only three options: she is crazy, she is lying, or she is telling the truth. And since she is a truthful person and she is clearly not crazy, she must be telling the truth. And abt lucy to mind their own business
what did Edmund do/say that gave his lie (that Lucy was crazy) away?
"oughtn't we to be bearing a bit more to the left, that is, if we are aiming for the lamp-post"
What was the difference between what the other children saw and what edmund saw?
While the rest of the children saw the scenery around mr. and mrs. beavers' house, edmund saw 2 small hills.
What does Mr. Beaver think happened to Mr. Tumnus?
That he was taken by the police to the witches house where Mr. Tumnus was probably turned into stone
What was the main reason Susan and Peter didn’t believe Lucy?
That if her story were true, then why doesn't anyone else know about it; and that there was no way that lucy could have been gone for hours when it had only been minutes in their world.
Why did the siblings decide not to just go home?
Because the Faun had gotten trapped for helping Lucy
What did edmund remember when he saw two small hills?
He was sure they were the two small hills which "the White Witch had pointed out to him when he parted from her at the lamp-post...between them...must be her place, only a mile off or less. and he thought about Turkish Delight and about being a King"
What does the queen base her claim to be the Queen?
By claiming to be a human (i.e. daughter of eve).
How did the Professor react to Susan and Peter's reasoning for why Lucy was lying?
By asking questions in response, or saying that their reasoning is not enough to discount Lucy (for time that in fact Lucy's time claim actually made sense)
What did Edmund suggest about the robin? Why did Peter decide to trust the bird?
Edmund suggested that the robin might be on the "wrong" side. But Peter decided to trust the bird because "They're good birds in all the stories [He's] ever read," so he was sure the robin was on the "right" side.
How did each child react to the beaver's claim that Aslan had already landed?
"Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt suddenly brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delicious smell or some delightful strain of music had just floated by her. And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is the beginning of the holidays or the beginning of summer"
What is the Queen's true family line?
She is the daughter of Lilith, adam's first wife (one of the Jinn), and giants.