Bands of connective tissue that extend from the capsule into the node
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What is the trabeculae?
The type of cell that make up lymph nodes
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What is mesenchyme?
Nonencapsulated masses of lymphoid tissue in the lamina propria of the oral mucosa
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What is tonsillar tissue?
Structure where lymph flows into a node
(Bujoreanu 2021)
What is an afferent vessel?
Tissue fluid and plasma
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What is lymph?
Separate nodes into masses of lymphocytes
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What are lymphatic nodules or follicles?
The week that lymph node development begins
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What is the end of the 5th week?
The type of epithelial that makes up tonsillar tissue
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What is stratified squamous epithelium?
Structure where lymph flows out
(Bujoreanu 2021)
What is an efferent vessel?
Empty into the venous system in the chest
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are lymphatic ducts?
Tissue that contains lymphocytes that filter toxins from lymph
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What is lymphoid tissue?
Develop from lymph sacs that arise from developing veins, which are derived from mesoderm
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are lymphatic vessels?
2 rounded masses located between anterior and posterior tonsillar pillars; contain fused lymphatic nodules with germinal centers
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are palatine tonsils?
The space between the capsule and the cortex, which allows the transportation of the lymphatic fluid
(Bujoreanu 2021)
What is the sinus?
Bean-shaped bodies clustered along lymphatic vessels; filter toxins from lymph and prevent entry into the blood stream
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are lymph nodes?
Structure in each lymphatic nodule that contains immature lymphocytes
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What is the germinal center?
All lymph sacs become invaded by mesenchymal cells and converted into this structure
(Brendolan & Caamano 2012)
What are lymph nodes?
Indistinct layer of diffuse lymphoid tissue on the base of the dorsal side of the tongue posterior to the circumvallate papilla
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are lingual tonsils?
Depression on one side of a node where the efferent vessels exist
(Bujoreanu 2021)
What is the hilus?
Due to an increase in lymphocyte cell count and size; may be due to infection or disease
(Mayo Clinic, 2021)
What is lymphadenopathy?
Structure that B-cell lymphocytes differentiate into
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are plasma cells?
Structures formed by mesenchymal cells in periphery in the connective tissue
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are lymphatic nodules?
10-20 epithelial invaginations that penetrate into the tonsils; appear red with streaks of white purulent discharge when infected; contain shed epithelial cells, mature lymphocytes and bacteria
(Fehrenbach 2020)
What are tonsillar crypts?
Dense connective tissue stroma and collagenous fibers; sends trabeculae inside the lymph node, which pass inward, radiating towards the center
(Bujoreanu 2021)
What is the capsule?
System of endothelial-lined channels, drain into particular areas of the body, found in oral tissues and pulp tissues, and found throughout the body
(Cleveland Clinic, 2020)
What are lymph vessels?