What’s a disease of the skins system involving the foot?
Athletes foot, a contagious fungal infection affecting the feet causing blister's, sores and itching
What happens to lymph nodes during infection?
They begin to swell and tender this due to increased movement of lymphocytes to fight infection.
Main functions of integumentary systems
Protection, Regulating body temperatures through sweating and blood vessels, Vit D production, sesnsation
How does skin help regulate the body’s temperature?
The skin helps regulate body temp through sweating
Main functions of the lymphatic system
Maintaining a fluid balance, supporting the immune system, helps with the absorption of both non fat and fat soluble vitamins through the digestive tract
What’s the purpose of keratin?
Keratinocytes produce keratin in order to protect
Why is handwashing so important in healthcare?
Hand washing prevents infections removing harmful microbes reducing spread of bacteria, etc
What does keratin do?
Is a protein be found in the outer layer of the skin, nails and hair provides strength, waterproof and structure
What are sebaceous glands ?
Main organs of the lymphatic system
Lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils , bone marrow, lymphatic vessels
What are the three layers of skin? Arrange them in order
Epidermis -outer layer
dermis - the middle layer
hypodermis - the deepest layer of skin aka the subcutaneous layer
How can a vaccine prevent infection ?
Vaccine train the immune system to recognize and fight certain pathogens before infection can even take place
What is the Integumenary system also known as ?
The Integumentary system is also known as the organ system it includes the nails, glands hair and the body’s largest organ skin
What happens when a patient is experiencing yellow of the eyes and face (jaundice)?
The patient are showing signs of bile in the blood this is primarily due to liver and/ or gallbladder issues or the destruction of the bloodstream
What are lymph nodes, what do they do?
Small structures that tract viruses, bacteria and any other harmful substances. Lymphocytes are here helping fight infection.
What does the layer dermis do and what layer is it?
The dermis is the middle layer the dermis contains blood vessels, gland and nerves
How are infections prevented in healthcare settings?
By enforcing strict hygiene protocols, sterilizing health equipment, using ppe and regularly using proper hand washing skills
What does sensory have to do with the integumentary system ?
Nerves inside of the skin assist the body in sending responds to touch sensation, pain, pressure and body temperatures(body regulation) as this is all needed for human survival.
Is eczema contagious?
No eczema isn’t contagious it is a allergen and/or a irritant
What does the spleen have to with the lymphatic system?
The spleen filters blood by removing old or any damaged rbcs and storing wbcs so they are ready to fight infection
How does melanin help the skin?
A pigments that absorbs up radiation preventing skin damage and risk of dna mutations that may increase the risk of skin cancer
What is antibiotic resistance, how does it occur?
A bacteria beginning to evolve and becoming immune to antibotics due to a misuse/use of the drug
What is albinism
When a person has a absence of pigment in their eyes, hair and skin
What is a ulcer
A ulcer is deep open sore that extends into the dermis which is the middle layer of skin. This can cause retailer bleeding an the formation of scars
How can damage to the lymp system affect it?
The body’s ability to fight infection will be weakened increasing the infection risk. It will be unabel to remove waste and pathogens from tissues as efficiently