Reversible stage with no tissue fibrosis
What is stage I
Organ located in the upper left quadrant that is responsible for the filtration of red blood cells
What is the spleen
They cause vasodilation and an increase in blood capillary pressure
What is thermal modalities
Edematous areas that feel hard with palpation
What is brawny edema
Multiple layer compression at night
What is phase II
Early accumulation of fluid with visible swelling and a negative Stemmer's sign
What is Stage I
Specialized structures that collect lymph and filter waste products from the lymph
What is lymph nodes
What is traditional massage
Slight indentation which returns to normal in 15 seconds
What is 2+ pitting edema
Stockinette, batting, low-stretch wrap
What is compression therapy sequence
Transport capability is reduced but the body can still accommodate lymphatic load
What is stage 0
Space that lies between blood vessels and cells and provides the fluid and structural environment surrounding those cells
What is interstitial space
An increase in blood capillary pressure
What is vasodilation
Indicates a more severe form of interstitial swelling
What is brawny edema
Single or multi-chambered sleeve that fills with air
What is pneumatic compression pump
Hyperkeratosis, papillomas, and deep skin fold are common
What is stage III
Drains lymph from the right arm and right side of the head
What is the right lymphatic duct
Inflammatory condition of small and/or large intestines
What is Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, or diverticulitis
Most severe and longest duration form of lymphedema
What is weeping edema
These drugs result in a higher concentration of proteins in the edema fluid
What is diuretics
What is stage II
An organ located posterior to the sternum and anterior to the heart that produces T cells and T lymphocytes
What is the thymus
A condition that causes the organ to stop working and not be able to remove waste and extra water from the blood
What is renal failure
Occurs exclusively in the LEs
What is weeping edema
This transfers care from medical professionals to the patient and family
What is Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT)