Possessive Nouns
Subject/Verb Agreement

What is a gist?

What a paragraph is mostly about in 3-7 words.


What does the P in PEEL stand for?



What does the second E in PEEL stand for?


I have one brother, and my _________ birthday is next week. 

Which possessive noun best fills the gap?

A. brother's

B. brother

C. brothers

D. brothers'

A. brother's


Everyone ______ finished reading the fairytale.

A. has

B. have

A. has


How many details from the paragraph should support the gist?

Two or more


What does the first E in PEEL stand for?



What does the L in PEEL stand for?



Both the ________ studs came off. 

Which possessive noun best fills the gap?

A. boots

B. boots'

C. boot's

D. boots's

B. boots'


Each of the teachers ______ willing to attend a meeting this weekend. 

A. is

B. are

B. are


What two questions should you ask yourself when trying to determine what a paragraph is mostly about?

1. What is the topic of this paragraph? 

2. What is the author trying to teach me about the topic?


Which of the following would NOT be good evidence to support the point that "Students should get a scheduled snack time during the school day."

A. Some student lunches happen early, at 11 AM, or late, at 1 PM, making for a long morning or afternoon without food. 

B. Many students bring junk food to school.

C. Healthy snacks could help students focus during the middle and end of the day. 

D. If students had a snack every day, they may not eat such heavy lunches that make them tired.

B. Many students bring junk food to school. 


What does the elaboration sentence do in a PEEL paragraph?

The elaboration sentence adds more details to support the evidence and makes the argument more interesting. 


The color of the _______ tie is red.

Which possessive noun best fills the gap?

A. men

B. men's'

C. man's

D. mans

C. man's


My glasses ______ on the table this morning. 

A. was

B. were

B. were


What is the best gist for the following paragraph? 

More than 60% of the human body is made of water. We have to drink every day to keep water in our bodies. Trees are similar. They are made of about 50% water, and, like us, they need to drink each day.

A. The human body is 60% water.

B.  Trees are 50% water.

C. Humans & trees are largely made of water.

D. It's important to drink water.

C. Humans & trees are largely made of water.


What would be a good elaboration for the evidence: "Students would focus better during school if they had a healthy snack."

A. Healthy means different things to different people.

B. Snacks are yummy. 

C. A piece of fruit, a cheese stick, and some almonds would make long division much more enjoyable. 

D. I eat snacks. 

C. A piece of fruit, a cheese stick, and some almonds would make long division much more enjoyable.


What does the link sentence do in a PEEL paragraph? 

The link sentence connects the paragraph back to the prompt or connects one paragraph to the next in multi-paragraph essays.


The ___________ ties are red. 

Which possessive noun best fills the gap?

A. men's

B. men'

C. man

D. man's

A. men's


Either my uncle or my grandparents ______ going to buy me a laptop. 

A. is

B. are

B. are


What is the best gist for the following paragraph?

Tree roots spread out all through the soil. They are busy doing two things down there. First of all, the roots hold onto the soil and keep the tree from falling over. Secondly, a tree’s roots are like its mouth. They take in water, air, and nutrients from the soil to feed the entire tree, up to its very top. There are a few trees that can take water in through their leaves, but most trees cannot.

A. Tree's roots are like a mouth.

B. Tree roots do two important jobs. 

C. Tree roots keep the tree from falling.

D. Leaves can take in water.

B. Tree roots do two important jobs.


Read the following text and answer the prompt with the P step only!

Take part in activities that you really like, but also try new ones. Make sure you do three types of physical exercise each week. 

1. Aerobic activity Exercise that makes you sweat and breathe hard should make up most of your 60 minutes of exercise. This can include brisk walking or running. Try to do this at least three days a week. Aerobic activity strengthens your heart and lungs.

2. Muscle strengthening Part of your exercise should work your muscles. Gymnastics, push-ups, and sit-ups are examples of such exercises. Climbing on the jungle gym will also help. Try to do these exercises at least three days a week.

 3. Bone strengthening Jumping rope and playing sports help strengthen bones and joints. Try to do these exercises at least three days a week. 

PRMOPT: Why is exercise important for kids?

Exercise is important for kids because it helps strengthen their hearts, lungs, bones, and muscles.


After reading the following text, find two or more pieces of evidence to support the point, "Mushrooms are a good crop for farmers to grow."

What Is a Mushroom? A mushroom may look like a plant, but it isn’t. Think fungus. As a fungus, a mushroom needs little or no sunlight. Mushroom farming is a big business. Farmers can grow them indoors or outdoors. Sometimes they plant them in tree logs or straw because mushrooms live on dead plants. A mushroom makes millions of tiny spores under its cap. These spread like seeds to make many more mushrooms. 

- Can be grown indoors or outdoors

- Are "a big business"

- Can plant them on dead plants

- Make spores and spread


Which of the four options below is correct?

A. While I like a roses color he loves a roses smell.

B. While I like a rose's color he loves' a rose's smell.

C. While I like a rose's color he loves a roses smell.

D. While I like a rose's color he loves a rose's smell.

D. While I like a rose's color he loves a rose's smell. 


Somebody _______ left their car in front of mine. I can't go anywhere

A. have

B. has

B. has
