Gerunds and infinitives
Gerunds and prepositions
Passive voice
Passive voice questions

Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis: She avoided _______ (tell) him abot her plans.



I'm bored ______  ______ (work) in this company. I think I'll quit.

bored of working


Coffe ____  _________  in more than 50 countries all around the world.

A) was consumed

B) is consumed

C) were consumed

d) are consumed

c) is consumed


Unscramble the words to create a passive voice question: yesterday / seen / the accident / was / by the police / seen

Was the accident seen by the police yesterday?


Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis: He enjoys _________ (take) a shower in the morning.



Don't worry ______  ______ (not /solve) the problem. Everything has a solution.

about not solving


Paul Klee used simple lines and strong colors in his paintings.

Simple lines and strong colors were used by Paul Klee in his paintings.


Change the next statement to a passive yes/no question: Swiss companies still make the world's best watches.

Are the world's best watches still made by Swiss companies?


I don't feel like _________ (go) to the party. The loud music is so...

A) relaxing

B) annoying

C) exciting

going, annoying


Unscramble the sentence: I / shape / and dieting / exercising / for / in / getting/ believe / in

I believe in exercising and dieting for getting in shape.


Use the next information to write a sentence in passive voice: speak / Quebec, Canada / French

French is spoken in Quebec, Canada.


Change the next active voice question to passive voice: Did someone find the missing painting? 

Was the missing painting found?


I want ______ (watch) a movie this weekend. I find it very...

A) boring

B) depressing

C) enjoyable

to watch, enjoyable


Cheer this person up with one or two sentences, don't forget to use the vocabulary of prepositions and gerunds: I don't like rainy days. They make me feel depressed.

Example: How about watching a movie with hot cocoa? 


Use the next information to write a sentence in passive voice: by millions of people / see / since it was painted / the Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa has been seen by millions of people since it was painted.


Write a passive voice question for the next answer: No, they aren't. You can find eagles in the United States, but not in Alaska. 

Are eagles found in Alaska?


She doesn't want to go to the museum. She prefers _______ (stay) home. She thinks the museum is so.... 

a) exciting

b) depressing

c) boring

to stay / staying, boring


Cheer this person up with one or two sentences, don't forget to use the vocabulary of prepositions and gerunds: I'm angry about taking care of my little sister. I just want to go out and hang out with my friends.

Example: Think about doing some fun activities with your sister.


Change the next statement to passive voice: In Florence, we walked from the Uffizi Gallery to the Academia Gallery to see Michelangelo's David.

Walk = intransitive verb


Write a passive voice question for the next answer: The government has banned the film because it has many violent scenes.

Why has the film been banned?
