Accessible Housing is easy find is Massachusetts
A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.
housing for low-income individuals and/or families.
low-income/affordable housing
the average cost of rent in a neighborhood or area
Market Rent
What should you do after you submitted your application?
Always confirm the landlord or management received your application by phone, email, or in person
Once you are living on your own there are on services to assist you
a tenant's regular payment to a landlord for the use of property or land.
How long is the waiting list for MA state funded voucher program?
about 10 years
Voucher provides a certain amount of money for rent each month. It works almost like a coupon for rent.
Section 8
why should you start saving as soon as possible when looking to a new place to live?
Landlords will often ask for deposits when we first move in, which might mean paying first months rent, last months rent, and a security deposit before moving in
Once you're on waiting list you will get housing quickly
a process the landlord uses to verify that you are who you claim to be, and check criminal record, education, employment history, and other activities from their past.
background check
how much are tenants responsible for paying in income restricted housing?
30% of income
Subsidy is connected to a specific apartment in a specific building.
Project based voucher
what are things to consider when looking for a new place to live?
How much is rent in area
pet policy
Once a unit become available and the housing authority contacts you MUST move into that apartment.
The waiting list for public housing is generally long so you may have already found housing as you wait for a unit to become available. It is YOUR choice whether you want to move into an affordable housing unit.
money you give to your landlord when you move in. Your landlord can use it to cover any unpaid rent or damages.
security deposit
Who do you call when you need help in your apartment and for emergencies?
There's a "cap" or limit on the amount of income for buyers or tenants. It is intended to provide affordable housing for lower income families and individuals
Income-restricted housing
what is a good financial habit when looking to rent or own?
Good credit is essential in renting an apartment
record of paying bills on time
savings account/saving $$
You must ONLY be homeless or at risk of being homeless to be eligible for income-based housing.
A contract document signed by you and your landlord outlining your responsibilities and rules you will follow while living in the apartment. It also lists the Landlords responsibilities in agreement between you and your landlord.
a lease
What are 3 skills I need to live independently?
Food - prepare food
Hygiene -clean
Clothing - getting dressed
Health - administer medication, make doctor appointment, insurance
Safety - who to call for emergency or help
Money - budgeting, saving, pay bills
What are the 3 types of affordable housing?
Landlords look for this to determine what kind of tenant you are. Most times they contact your pervious landlord or housing management company.
A reference