Writing Basics
Which Writing Style Is It?
Scoring Writing
Scoring Language

Every strong piece of writing has these two things.

What is an introduction and a conclusion?


The excerpt below is this style of writing.

You have read the excerpt from “Career Planning for High Schoolers.”

Write an essay detailing why career planning may be beneficial to high school students. Use evidence from the passage to support your response.

What is argumentative?


The writing section of the MDE Writing Rubric has this number of categories.

What is two?


The language section of the MDE Writing Rubric has this number of categories.

What is two?


Prompt responses are scored in this number of performance levels.

What is fine?


MAAP tests these three writing styles.

What are Argumentative, Informative, and Narrative writing? 


The excerpt below is this style of writing.

You have read a passage from“The Electoral College: Still Useful in the 21st Century” that explains the reasons for and against the Electoral College. Write an essay examining whether or not the Electoral College is useful today. Use evidence from the passage to support your response.

What is argumentative?


The writing section of the MDE Writing Rubric consists of these categories.

What are Development of Ideas and Writing Organization?


The language section of the MDE Writing Rubric consists of these categories.

What are Grammar & Usage and Mechanics?


These are the performance levels for scoring prompt responses.

What is Zero, Minimal, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced?

A strong prompt response has this many paragraphs.

What is none?

*There is no paragraph limit/expectation.


The excerpt below is this style of writing.

You have read George Washington's farewell address and other foreign policy statements such as the Monroe Doctrine. Analyze how both texts address similar themes and concepts regarding "entangling alliances". Use evidence from both passages to support your answer.

What is informative?


This is the easiest way to get two "extra" points in Writing Section of the MDE Writing Rubric.

What is to include an introduction and conclusion?


There are this many "free points" are available in the language section.

What is four points?


Dr. Bradley is asking for students to score at least this many points on the writing section.

What is six points?


A score of six will move a student this many proficiency levels.

What is one?


The excerpt below is this style of writing.

You have read the passage from Candide in which the central character, Candide, is depicted as naïve. Write an essay analyzing how the author develops this trait in Candide over the course of the passage. Use evidence from the passage to support your response.  

What is narrative?


This many points may be obtained from the writing section of the MDE Writing Rubric.

What is eight points?


This many points may be obtained from the language section of the MDE Writing Rubric.

What is four points?


This is the highest amount of points you can receive in the writing section.

What is twelve points?


A student has this amount of time to complete the writing section.

What is 75 minutes?

*Acceptable range: 60-90 minutes


The excerpt below is this style of writing.

You have read “Remarks on Signing the Bill Providing Restitution for the Wartime Internment of Japanese American Civilians” by President Ronald Reagan and “An Apology” by Kevin Gover. Both speakers issue apologies for the past wrongdoings of the United States government. Write an essay analyzing what responsibility the existing government bears for its historical misconducts. Use evidence from the speeches to support your response.

What is argumentative?


This differentiates whether a student receives a zero or a one in Development of Ideas; This differentiates whether a student receives a zero or one in Writing Organization.

What is no understanding/reasoning/evidences vs. minimal understanding/reasoning evidence?

What is no evidence of planning/transitions vs. an attempt at planning/transitions?


Egregious refers to this type of Mechanical Error in the Language and receives this score.

What is the use of mechanics is so poor that the response cannot be understood, receiving a score of zero?


A score of six falls under this performance level.

What is basic?
