Kirito's (SAO) unique ability
what is dual wielding
racist people fight racism with racism using giant flesh mechas
what is AOT
Bakugo's hero name
Who is Lord Explosion Murder Dynamite
This movie features the MC going to high school instead of living in the mountains
What is There is No Dragon Ball Live Action
first creature that Rimuru meets after reincarnating
who is Veldora Tempest
gay skittles throw balls into hoops at maximum capacity
what is kuroko no basket
Name of the wish granting dragon introduced in Dragon Ball Super
What is Super Shenron
This movie is responsible for repopularizing the original manga but by itself is considered a poor imitation of the story.
This Isekai character shares the name with a major japanese car company
Subaru-Kun from RE:Zero
Darling in the franxx
a guy looking for a job ends up with dead friends
what is akame ga kill
The item Senku declares as Dr. Stone
What is a bar of soap
A major protagonist becomes a major villian and steals the female mc
This Anime has a wacky twist concerning a typical everyday public appliance.
Reborn as a Vending machine
Undead Unluck (0 ichi)
7 people 1 cup
what is Fate Stay/Night
Names of the 4 knights and which calamities they represent from the four knights of the apocalypse
Who are Percival(death), Lancelot(War), Tristan(Pestilience) and Dawain(Famine)
This live action adaptation is known for its wooden acting despite impressive attempts in cgi.
Ghost in the Shell
Name of the planet to which the hero is summoned to on in cautious hero
Dragon Ball
vampire hunts down his bros children
what is JoJo BA
Names of the 3 main members of the Shinsengumi from Gintama
Who are Kondo Isao, Hijikata Toshiro and Okita Sogo
This new live action adaptation of an older anime is berated for its constant bending of the original story.
Knights of the Zodiac