Macbeth Plot
Macbeth Characters
Afterlife Questions
Macbeth Quotes
HOMS Questions

Hearing this changes Macbeth from a generally good guy to a paranoid, overly ambitious murderer.

What is the prophecy?


Murdered halfway through the play, his descendants are destined to be kings.

Who is Banquo?


Name one overarching theme in Afterlife.

Answers may vary. 


"Double, double, toil and trouble" is part of a magic spell cast by these characters.

Who are the witches?


What inspired Cisneros' writing?

Answers may very. 

(her upbringing, including divided cultural loyalties, feelings of alienation, and degradation associated with poverty. These specific cultural and social concerns, coupled with Cisneros' feelings of alienation as a Latina writer)


Macbeth leaves Duncan's chambers covered in this, which we later see Lady Macbeth trying to wash off her hands in her sleep.

What is blood?

"No man of woman born," who gets revenge for the slaughter of his family by killing Macbeth.

Who is Macduff?


Who murders Chuy at the start of the novel?

Yellow shoes


Macbeth gives his famous soliloquy which includes the lines "Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury" after hearing that this tragic even has occurred.

What is the death of Lady Macbeth?


A comparison between two unlike things in which one thing becomes another. (Does NOT use the words 'like' 'as' 'resembles' 'than')

What is a metaphor?


During a feast, Macbeth worries his generals by acting very strangely because he sees this recently deceased figure sitting in his chair.

Who is Banquo?


The rightful heir to the Scottish throne who escapes to England after his father is murdered.

Who is Malcolm?


What can Chuy do that makes him realize he can still have an impact on people?

What is touching/breathing on them?


When Lady Macbeth cries "Out, damned spot!" she is also doing this.

What is sleepwalking OR acting like she is washing her hands?


Name one reason Esperanza does not like her name. 

Answers may vary. 

-Great grandmothers name

-People mispronounce it

-Metaphorical comparisons are harsh (it means muddy colors, it means too many letters etc)


Macbeth is told he doesn't have to worry about being defeated until this shows up at his castle.

What is Birnam Wood/the woods/trees?


This character appears briefly in Act 4 to lament the leaving of her husband before she is murdered off stage by Macbeth's men.

Who is Lady Macduff?


What is ironic about the way Rachel behaves when Chuy visits her after he dies?

She is very emotional, unlike what he expected from her. 


Look like th' innocent flower but be the serpent under't was said by who?

Who is Lady Macbeth


Describe the incident where men first begin to notice Esperanza. 

What is the girls walk around town in high heels.


After seeing the three apparitions during his second visit to the witches, Macbeth asks for more information and sees this, which greatly upsets him.

What is a vision of Banquo's descendants as kings?


This apparition appears to tell Macbeth that none of woman born shall harm him.

What is the bloody child?


Who does Chuy get a ride from when he goes to the Raider game?

The Garbage Men 


The character Malcolm is referring to when he says "He hath a heavenly blessing hang about his throne that speak him full of grace."

Who is the King of England?


Why does Esperanza decide she can never full leave Mango Street/must return one day?

What is she must return to help others, and she cannot forget her past as it has shaped her into the woman she is today. 
