Who drives Macbeth's ambition by making prophecies about him?
The 3 witches (AKA weird Sisters)
Protagonist of the play & has ambition to become the King of Scotland
Who says, "I was not of woman born, but was from my mother's womb untimely ripped"
Who wrote the Macbeth?
William Shakespeare
Which of the witches 3 prophesies immediately came true for Macbeth?
He becomes Thane of Cawdor
Who sleepwalks and becomes crazy at the end of the play?
Lady Macbeth
In the final scene, which characater defeats Macbeth?
Who says, "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!"
The 3 witches
What is the setting of Macbeth? (Time and place)
11th Century Scotland
What is the main reason that Lady Macbeth is Hallucinating at the banquet?
a result of fear
Who is disappointed with the witches because they did not consult her about Macbeth's prophecies?
Who is killed because his offspring is said to become kings?
Who says, "Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here?"
Lady Macbeth
What is the genre of Macbeth?
A dramatic tragedy (play)
What does Lady Macbeth do that the gentlewoman and the doctor see that reveals her internal conflict?
She sleepwalks and acts crazy
Who gave Macbeth 2 sets of prophecies?
The 3 witches
Which character should NOT have trusted Macbeth because he was eventually betrayed by Macbeth?
Who said, "We shall await your safe return. May moonlight guide you."
What is the author's purpose for Macbeth?
An appeal to the good will of the incoming King of England
What reason does Malcom not trust Macduff when Macduff came to England to ask Malcom to return to Scotland to fight?
He left his family unprotected in Scotland
Who is Duncan's oldest son and flees to England foe safety?
Who says, "So foul and fair a day I have not seen."
How many acts did Shakespeare put in Macbeth?
In the last Act how did the English forces disguise themselves as the advanced toward the castle?
With tree branches/limbs