Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5

How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his bravery in defeating the rebels?

Promotes him to Thane of Cawdor


After his servant leaves him (Act 2, scene 1, line 33 and following) Macbeth imagines he can see something. What is it? Explain why, you think, Macbeth sees this, especially at this time and in this place.

It's a dagger.  He see it because he is about to commit a violent act.


Why does Macbeth ask Banquo so many apparently casual questions about where he is riding? 

Why should Macbeth be worried about Banquo? 

Macbeth is worried about Banquo because Banquo heard the witches' prophesy about Macbeth becoming king.


How does Macbeth feel after his second meeting with the witches? What things might reassure him, and what things might trouble him?

Reassure: No one born of a woman will kill him, and he won't be dethroned as long as the trees don't march to his castle.

Trouble: Banquo's decedents all appear to be kings.


How does Lady Macbeth's behaviour in Act 5, scene 1 affect the way the audience sees her?

We see that she does have human guilt and is not the evil, soulless individual she tries to embody.


 Macbeth calls the day of the battle “foul and fair”. Comment on what you think he means.

It was foul because of all of the death; it was fair because his army won.


How is Macbeth's mind affected by the murder of Duncan?

Macbeth starts to go crazy.


How does Macbeth persuade the murderers to help him?

He blames Banquo for all of their problems.


How does Lady Macduff feel about her husband's leaving her alone? Why has he done this?

She is proud because her husband is doing what he needs to do for his country.

She is scared because he has left her defenseless. 


Angus says that Macbeth's royal title is “ a giant's robe/Upon a dwarfish thief” (Act 5, scene 2, lines 21-22). Explain, in your own words, what this means.

Macbeth is unfit to be king.  He looks like a little kid that is trying to wear his father's clothes--it just doesn't work.


What does Lady Macbeth fear about her husband, after she has read his letter?

That he has too much of the "milk of human kindness" to do what is necessary to become king.


How do Malcolm and Donalbain react to the murder of their father? Give reasons in favor of this and against it.

They flee to separate places.

Favor: it is harder to kill them if they are in two different places.

Against: they look guilty.


What does Macbeth say that he envies about Duncan (in scene 2)?

That Duncan is dead and doesn't have to worry about someone taking the throne away from him.


When Ross comes to see Lady Macduff, how does he behave and why?

He is panicked because Macbeth is coming to kill Lady Macduff and all of her children.


 Why does Malcolm order his soldiers to cut boughs from the trees of Birnam Wood? Explain the ways in which the audience and (later) Macbeth see more in this action than Malcolm has intended in giving the order. 

He doesn't want Macbeth to see how many soldiers he has marching toward him.  When Macbeth sees them, it looks like the trees are walking.


Lady Macbeth tells her husband to “look like the innocent flower/But be the serpent under it”. Explain what she means.

Look innocent but be prepared to be vicious like a serpent.


When Lady Macbeth says, “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold”, what does she mean? Who are “them” and why should she want them to be drunk?

The alcohol that has put the guards to sleep has made it easier for her to go through with this evil act.  She wants them drunk so that Macbeth can kill the king without their interference.


How successful are the murderers in following Macbeth's instructions? Comment on what happens to Fleance, and why this matters to Macbeth.

They are half-way successful.  They kill Banquo but not Fleance.  This matters because the witches prophesized that Banquo's sons would become kings.


What happens to Lady Macduff and her children?

They are all killed by murderers hired by Macbeth.


Perhaps the most famous speech in the play is the one that begins “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow”. In your own words, summarize the main points that Macbeth makes in this speech.

Life is pointless.  We are born and then we die.


Why, in Macbeth's opinion, is the murder of Duncan so wrong? (He gives at least 5 reasons)

1. He's Macbeth's cousin.

2. Macbeth is his servant.

3. Macbeth is his host.

4. Duncan is old.

5. Duncan is a good king.


Who is more practical after the killing, Macbeth or his wife?  Why?

Lady Macbeth because she does what is needed to finish the job.


How does Lady Macbeth react when her husband sees (or believes he sees) Banquo's ghost?

She tells him to stop acting like a little boy telling ghost stories and to put on a happy face for the party.


How does Macduff react to the news of his family's death?

He agrees to help Malcolm take back the throne so he can seek vengeance on Macbeth.


When Macbeth fights Young Siward he is very confident of the outcome? Why is this?  

He thinks no one born of a woman can kill him.  He assumes Siward is born of a woman.
