"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!"
The Witches
Does Macbeth hesitate before killing Duncan?
Yes, Macbeth hesitates and experiences guilt and moral conflict before killing King Duncan
"Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't."
named Thane of Cawdor—a title that will not be enough. No, the witches have foretold it: he shall be king, and I will see to it that he does not fail. Not now. Not when destiny is so clearly within reach.
Lady Macbeth
What is the name of the theatre where many of Shakespeare's plays were performed during his lifetime?
The Globe Theatre
"A little water clears us of this deed."
Lady Macbeth
How does Macbeth die?
Macbeth dies in a final battle with Macduff, who kills him after revealing that Macbeth is not invincible
"If a man were porter of hell gate, he should have old turning the key."
The day has been both joyful and perplexing. I have returned from the battlefield with news of victory and a heart full of gratitude for my loyal thanes.
In what year was William Shakespeare born?
"If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not, Speak then to me."
How does Macbeth feel about the murder of Banquo?
He is troubled by the act and is haunted by Banquo’s ghost.
"Is this a dagger which I see before me"
The winds howl, the storm brews, and the world is as it should be. Our time has come.
The Witches
In which city was William Shakespeare born?
Stratford-upon-avon, England
"The night has been unruly: Where we lay, Our chimneys were blown down;"
What is the name of Macbeth’s castle?
Banquo leaves the banquet saying "Good night, good sir: Thou canst not say I did it: never shake Thy gory locks at me."
Dramatic Irony
The news of Duncan’s murder has spread quickly, and the grief weighs heavily upon the land. He was beloved by all, his reign just and wise. And now… now I must take his place.
How many plays did Shakespeare write before Romeo and Juliet?
"What bloody man is that? He can report, As seemeth by his plight, of the revolt The newest state."
What does Macbeth say he will never be able to do after murdering Duncan?
Macbeth's fatal flaw is his unchecked ambition. The witches' prophecy that he will become king ignites a desire for power, but it's his own ambition, coupled with Lady Macbeth’s influence, that drives him to murder King Duncan and seize the throne.
Tragic Hero
Banquo has always had a sense about such things. He has suspected Macbeth, though he has never said it directly to me. I know he feels it in his bones—that Macbeth is no longer the man he once was.
What was the name of Shakespeares wife?
(hint - same name as a well known actress)
Anne Hathaway