What is bides?
Responsible for drugging the king's men.
Who was Lady Macbeth?
Banquo's ghost was so kind to show up here.
What was the banquet or banquet table?
A large vessel.
What is a caldron?
Their suspicion of him makes Macbeth very mad! (angry vibes)
Who are Banquo & Fleance?
These are masks.
What are vizards?
Macbeth had to take the grooms out because they were considered this.
Who were the witnesses?
This was how Macduff eliminated Macbeth.
What is beheading?
Drunken merrymaking.
What is carousing?
Macbeth took this of Lady Macbeth pretty calmly. (chill vibes)
What was her death?
Extremely small in size.
What is diminutive?
Off to Scotland they went, for their own safety.
Who were Malcolm & Donalbain?
Didn't get too far in his attempt to kill Macbeth.
Who was Young Siward?
To consider.
What is muse?
The witches (supernatural influences in the play), the idea of fair being foul, and the stormy fate of Scotland are examples of this word seen in one of the questions on your study guide. (play vibes)
What are motifs?
To avoid making an explicit statement.
What is equivocates?
Told Macbeth to be brave like a lion, amongst other things.
Who was the crowned child?
Macbeth was having these with himself about King Duncan's fate.
What were arguments?
To forbid authoritatively.
What is interdiction?
The witches set the vibe for Macbeth's future by giving him these.
What were predictions?
A chill or fit of shivering.
What is ague?
Told Macbeth to beware of Macduff.
Who was the armed head?
This was where Malcolm had his army camouflage themselves with branches.
What is Birnam Wood?
Steadfast adherence to a strict moral code.
What is integrity?
These made Macbeth do whatever he needed to to become king. (greedy vibes)
What were desires?