What prompts Macbeth to kill Duncan?
His ambition, the witches prophecy, Lady Macbeth
What does Macbeth lie about at dinner?
At dinner, he lies that he has a problem instead of telling the truth that he sees Banquo's ghost.
Who are the first characters mentioned in the play
The witches
What is the setting at the beginning of the book?
Eerie with thunder and lightning in the background
Who does everyone believe killed Duncan?
The guards
What lie does Macbeth tell Banquo?
Macbeth tells Banquo that he will be rewarded if he stays loyal to him.
Why did Malcolm and Donalbain run away?
To avoid potentially getting killed from whoever killed their father
Where were Banquo and Fleance last seen?
in a wooded area outside the palace (Macbeth's house)
At the beginning of the story, what two countries are fighting?
Scotland and Norway
What lie does Macbeth tell the murderers?
Banquo is the reason for their ruination and downfall.
What is Lady Macbeth's explanation for her husband's outburst at dinner?
He occasionally has such “visions,” and that the guests simply ignore his behavior.
Where did Macduff go to and why?
England to speak to the king about waging war against Macbeth
Who has Macbeth killed/ or helped kill so far in Macbeth?
Banquo, Duncan, the guards, Macduffs family
What are the three lies Malcolm tells Macduff?
Malcolm tells Macduff that he is excessively lustful, greedy, and violent
What does Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth in anger about not wanting to kill Duncan?
She tells him to calm down and to stop acting weak. Tells him to act more like a man and turn towards violence.
What is the overall tone of Macbeth?
dark, foreboding, and ominous
Why did Macbeth kill Macduff's family
Macbeth kills Macduff's family to punish him and to deter him from fighting against Macbeth.
What has Macbeth said he hasn't thought about to Banquo?
he has not thought about the three witches and their prophecy.
Why does Malcolm lie to Macduff?