The witches give Macbeth these two prophecies
(100pts for each)
Thane of Cawdor
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to kill Duncan by...
What is stabbing him?
The character who is our "tragic hero" and murders his way to become king
Who is Macbeth?
The name of Scotland in the 11th century.
What is Alba?
The setting of Macbeth
What is Scotland
Becomes Prince of Cumberland and heir to Duncan's throne
Who is Malcolm?
Macbeth sees this object in a vision
What is a dagger?
This title is, "a step/ On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap" according to Macbeth
What is the Prince of Cumberland?
A demonic animal that carries out a witch's bidding
What is a familiar?
A line spoken by a character that presents their inner thoughts but isn't heard by everyone on stage
What is an aside?
The reigning king in Act 1
Who is King Duncan?
The character who refuses to go to Macbeth's crowning
King Duncan's two sons
(300pts each)
Who are Malcolm and Donalbain?
Macbeth is a combination of both these kinds of Shakespearean plays
What is tragedy and history?
A long speech given by a character on stage when other characters are present
What is a monologue?
The land Macbeth is originally the thane of
What is Glamis?
This character is having terrible nightmares because of his encounter with the three witches
Who is Banquo?
Banquo's son
Who is Fleance?
Who is King James I?
A long speech given by a character alone on stage
What is a Soliloquy?
The name of Macbeth's castle
What is Inverness?
The total body count by the end of Act 2
What is 5?
(Macdonwald, Thane of Cawdor, Duncan, two guards)
Tells one of the first knock-knock jokes ever written
Who is the Porter?
Shakespeare's historical inspiration for Macbeth
This is Ms. Schaffer's favorite dinosaur
What are raptors? (500 pts)
What is a Utahraptor (1000 pts)