The thing Banquo revealed in the opening soliloquy of this scene.
What is he suspects that Macbeth has something to do with Duncan's death?
The state of mind both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are currently in.
What are they both anxious, paranoid, or scared that they will be caught and riddled with guilt?
The murder did not go as planned, and this person escaped.
Who is Fleance?
Macbeth's conscience causes him to see and react to this.
Who is Banquo's Ghost?
The reason Hecate is angry.
What is the other witches have meddled in Macbeth's affairs without telling her?
The activity Banquo does before the feast and the person that accompanies him.
What is he goes horseback riding with his son?
The meaning of the line "Make our faces vizards to our hearts."
What is to disguise our true motivates and what guilt we already wear on our hearts?
Banquo's dying words.
What is avenge me, son?
The reason Lady MacBeth gives to explain her husband's behavior.
What is Macbeth has a mental illness?
The plan the witches have for MacBeth.
What is to ensure his ultimate demise by making him overconfident?
The reason Macbeth is worried about Banquo.
What is the witches predicted his son would be king?
The meaning behind this line that Macbeth says to his wife to be "be innocent of the knowledge."
What is, you don't need to worry about what my plans are?
The way Macbeth reacts when he hears Fleance escaped.
What is with anxiety and fear
This character misses two main events, which makes Macbeth nervous.
Who is MacDuff?
Name at least two of the things that have negatively happened in Scotland since Macbeth has been king.
What is there are crimes, no food, and unpeace throughout Scotland?
The reason Macbeth gives to the murderers to murder Banquo.
What is that Banquo is responsible for their miseries?
The meaning behind this line spoken by Lady Macbeth is, "Things without remedy should be without regard, what's done is done."?
What is there is nothing he can do about the murder, so he shouldn't keep brooding about it?
The event that occurs at the castle on the night of Banquo's murder.
What is a feast?
The treatment Macbeth receives from Lady Macbeth in this scene.
What is she mocking him for seeing things and calling him weak again?
The reason MacDuff went to England.
What is to get help so they can overthrow Macbeth?
The meaning behind the line, "Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren scepter in my gripe."
What is that Macbeth is scared he won't be able to bore an heir/ he knows he will not bore an heir?
The reason Macbeth envies Duncan.
What is he doesn't have to fear treason anymore, and he is at peace? Sleep is peace.
Macbeth makes a toast to this person during the banquet scene.
Who is Banquo?
The place Macbeth is planning to go after the feast.
What is to see the witches?
The thing Macbeth is preparing for at the end of Act 3.
What is preparing for war?