What happened?
(Plot Summary)
Who did that?
(Character Development)
Why does it matter?
What does it mean?
(Quote Significance)

1. Who is killed in Act 4, Scene 2? 

2. Who had them killed?

1. Who is Lady Macduff and her son.

2. Who is Macbeth.


Throughout Act 4, this character's paranoia and ambition has only deepened his ruthlessness, immorality, and tyranny. He will (and does) kill off anyone he deems a threat without hesitation.

Who is Macbeth.


How does Macduff challenge and align with the typical expectations of gender in Act 4, Scene 3? Give one example for each.

Challenge: What is expressing his grief and deep emotions for the death of his wife and son.

Align: What is he vows to get revenge against Macbeth (bravery, warrior, etc.) or his loyalty to Scotland (nobility).


Act 4, Scene 1: "None of woman born shall harm Macbeth."

1. What is this quote?

2. What effect does it have on Macbeth when he hears it?

1. What is a prophecy from the witches.

2. What is it is misleading and gives him a false sense of invincibility.


Which of Banquo's three prophecies does Macbeth ask the witches about in Act 4, Scene 1?

What is Banquo's sons will be kings.


Which character showed that manhood is not limited to the traits of masculinity (bravery, warrior, dominance), but also importantly composed of humanity (the ability to feel and grieve emotions)?

Who is Macduff.


How do we see Macbeth's ambition in Act 4, Scene 1?

What is him going to see the witches for more prophecies and power or his decision to have Macduff and his family killed or his decision that he will be ruthless in all deeds without hesitation or his decision that he is invincible after hearing the prophecies.


Act 4, Scene 1: "No boasting like a fool; This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool."

1. Who says this quote?

2. What does he mean by it?

1. Who is Macbeth.

2. What is he is expressing that he will abandon all parts of his morality or hesitation, and be entirely tyrannical and ruthless with all decisions henceforth.


What are the three prophecies that Macbeth receives from the witches in Act 4, Scene 1?

1. What is Beware Macduff, 2. That no one born of a woman will harm him, 3. He will be safe until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.


Which character relies on prophecies to create a false sense of security of their own invincibility, leading to an immense overconfidence and tyranny?

Who is Macbeth.


How do we see Macduff's ambition in Act 4, Scene 3?

What is when he vows to get revenge on Macbeth for having killed his family.


Act 4, Scene 2: "I am in this earthly world, where to do harm Is often laudable, to do good sometime Accounted dangerous folly."

1. Who says this?

2. Who is Shakespeare indirectly critiquing?

1. Who is Lady Macduff.

2. Who is Macbeth.


In Act 4, Scene 3, why does Malcolm describe himself as a tyrannical ruler (worse than Macbeth) who has and will commit horrific offences against the people of Scotland?

What is, he is lying in order to test Macduff's true intentions and loyalty.


Which character is a true expression of courage and nobility, deeply loyal to Scotland, and wants to ensure its leader is fit to rule and fair for all?

Who is Macduff.


How do we see the theme of conscience in Act 4, Scene 1 (or lack of conscience)?

What is Macbeth not only decides to kill Macduff, but his whole family, showing a complete lack of morality and remorse.


Act 4, Scene 3: "I shall do so; But I must also feel it as a man."

1. Who says this?

2. What is he expressing?

1. Who is Macduff.

2. What is he will enact a highly masculine revenge, but he also understands that a part of manhood is feeling his emotions and grief.


What does Macduff vow to do at the end of Act 4, Scene 3, and why?

What is he vows to get revenge on Macbeth for having his family killed


Which character tests Macduff's character (attributes) by lying about his intentions and values as a ruler, to ensure Macduff was true, loyal, and had good intentions?

Who is Malcolm.


How does Malcolm interact with the theme of conscience in Act 4, Scene 3?

What is Malcolm's testing of Macduff's true intentions and loyalty to Scotland shows that he wants to ensure that Macduff truly wants to act and see Scotland led with morality and a leader who is commited to well-being.


Act 4, Scene 3: "O nation miserable, With an untitled tyrant bloody-sceptered, When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again, Since that the truest issue of thy throne By his own interdiction stands accursed And does blaspheme his breed?"

1. Who is the "untitled tyrant bloody-sceptered"?

2. Who is the "truest issue of thy throne"?

3. What is Macduff responding to in this quote?

1. Who is Macbeth.

2. Who is Malcolm.

3. What is Malcolm lying about his values as a ruler, Macduff is feeling hopeless for the future of Scotland.
